
105.13 虛勞中醫治療病例報告
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :
A Case Report
林芳誼2 王玟玲1,2,.3*
慢性疲勞症候群(Chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS) 又稱為肌痛性腦脊髓炎
(Myalgic encephalomyelitis, ME) 是一種常見但致病機轉仍未明的疾病,許多研究提
到可能和中樞神經、自律神經、免疫系統和能量代謝有關。此個案為65 歲女性,自一
(Cortisol) 和促甲狀腺激素(TSH) 無異常。經辨證論治,中醫病名為虛勞,證型診斷為
Fang-Yi Lin2 Wen-Ling Wang1,2,3*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital Taipei Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Internal Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
3School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is an illness of uncertain cause. While many theories indicate that the central and autonomic nervous
systems, the immune system, and energy metabolism may be involved, these findings
have not yet led to a clear understanding of pathophysiology or to a diagnostic test of
adequate sensitivity and specificity. In this case, a 65-year-old female has been suffered
from dizziness, headache, head pressure with an overall feeling of fatigue, soreness, and
dry eyes. Recent lab data showed cortisol and TSH levels were in the normal range. The
pattern type is dual vacuity of qi and yin. The principle of treatment is to supplement qi
and to enrich yin. The prescription is Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill
combined with Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder. In ancient Chinese books, chronic
fatigue syndrome mainly involved the lung, spleen, and kidney. Modern people with chronic fatigue syndrome, however, are caused by emotional distress and the liver qi should be taken into consideration.
【Keywords】 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, tiredness, dual vacuity of qi and yin