
103.6 中醫合併Eylea 注射治療黃斑部病變
中醫合併Eylea 注射治療黃斑部病變
Case Report-Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Eylea Injection
in the Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration
蔡曜鍵* 林文郁 余佳靜
黃斑部病變,Age-Related Macular Degeneration(AMD),是導致成年男子喪失視力主要的原因之一,隨著年齡的增長罹病的機率增高。在此個案中,60 歲黃先生從民國100 年起發現右眼視直線為扭曲,西醫眼科診斷為乾性黃斑部病變,至民國110 年9 月明顯惡化,右眼眼睛中央視野出現黑影,無法視物,診斷為老年性滲出性黃斑退化。第一個月單純以中醫加上針灸治療,患者便覺得病症獲得改善,可以模糊視物。第二個月後加上西醫Eylea 注射治療後效果更佳,只注射兩劑Eylea 針劑後,濕性黃斑部病變便已痊癒。患者在中央視野完全失明的狀況之下,治療三個月後,不但可以看清字體,就連之前看直線彎曲的情況也有改善,追蹤近十個月後,視力穩定改善,沒有惡化。
Yao-Chien Tsai* Wun-Yu Lin Chia-Ching YU
Branch of Linsen, Chinese Medicine, and Kunming, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the main causes of vision loss in adult men, and the probability of developing the disease increases with age. In this case, the 60-year-old Mr. Huang discovered that the straight line of vision in his right eye was distorted in 2011. The ophthalmologist diagnosed it as dry AMD. By September 2022, it had deteriorated significantly. A dark shadow appeared in the central visual field of the right eye and he could not see. A diagnosis of wet AMD was made. In the first month of treatment with Chinese herbal medicine plus acupuncture, the patient felt that his symptoms had improved and his vision could be blurred. After the second month of treatment, combined with western medicine Eylea injections, the effect is better. After only two injections of Eylea injections, the wet AMD has been cured. Before the treatment, the patient was completely blind in the central visual field. After three months of treatment, not only could the font be seen clearly, but also the bending of the straight lines had improved. After nearly ten months of follow-up, the vision has improved steadily without deterioration.
【Keywords】Age-related Macular Degeneration(AMD), Wet AMD, anti–vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture