
103.5 「大氣一轉,陰陽相得」古法針灸之節氣針法


Solar term acupuncture of classical
acupuncture school
作者依據二十四節氣對應四時陰陽的特質,和「肝氣升於左,肺氣降於右」氣機理論,提出臨床常用「太極氣機轉動針法」,採用輕柔的進針與行針來推動氣機,適用於四季氣機阻滯或身體左右氣機鬱滯。選用穴位及順序為1. 左側太衝穴,2. 右側太白穴,3. 右側合谷穴,4. 右側曲池穴,5. 百會穴,6. 左側尺澤穴,7. 左側列缺穴,8. 左側內關穴,9. 右側公孫穴。
【關鍵詞】大氣一轉陰陽相得 節氣針法 古法針灸 太極氣機轉動針法
Shen, Yi-Ying
Department of TCM in Taipei Tzu-chi Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
This article takes a brief case of food accumulates in the stomach disease with the impact of solar term, which shows that people correspond to heaven and earth yin and yang at four seasons.
If necessary, the effect of solar terms can be incorporated into clinical diagnosis and treatment.
The author also proposes self-developed Tai Chi qi rotation acupuncture method based on
the concept of the human body corresponding to four seasons and yin and yang in the Yellow Emperor’s Neijing.
【Keywords】Solar term acupuncture, classical acupuncture school, Tai Chi qi rotation
acupuncture method