
101.7 中醫治療膽結石胃脹之病例報告
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Case Report
of Stomach Distension related to Gallstone
葉芝琦1 陳欣瑜1 葉家豪1*
1 台北市立聯合醫院陽明院區中醫科,台北,台灣
Chih-Chi Yeh1 Hsin-Yu Chen1 Chia-Hao Yeh1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Yang-ming Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
Gallstone is a commonly clinical disease, which is more related to “gallbladder distension”, “abdominal pain”, “hypochondriac pain” and “jaundice” in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is related to “stagnation of qi”, “dampness”, and “heat”, and is more related to the liver and gallbladder. Because of the relationship between wood and earth on the five elements, it is also related to the spleen and stomach. This case is about a 64-year-old man, with past history of gallstone disease, diabetes, and hypertension, who has suffered from stomach distension and upper abdominal pain for two weeks. Based on the patient’s condition, past history, and physical examinations, we differentiated that his disease was caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, which led to the symptoms of liver-gallbladder qi depression, stomach qi failing to descend, and qi stagnation. Therefore, we treated it with the methods of soothing the liver, promoting gallbladder, regulating qi, and harmonizing the stomach. And all of the patient’s symptoms, including stomach distension and upper abdominal pain, were relieved within a week.
【Keywords】gallstones, stomach distension, Chaihu Shugan powder, WenDan