
100.5 中醫治療不寧腿症候群之病例報告
A Case Report of Restless Leg Syndrome
Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine 
這是一位旅居加拿大溫哥華30 多年的68 歲王小姐的中醫醫案。
自述:25 歲生子產後,因乳房發脹疼痛(懷疑診斷:急性乳腺炎),婆婆教其用冰塊冰鎮雙乳房,雙手持握冰塊約一個小時,自認這是造成日後困惱40 多年痼疾的主因。
主訴:每晚入睡後約1-2 小時,經常發生3-5 次不等的雙下肢大抖動、且伴隨夜眠中斷多次,白天不發生。長期困惱,海內外尋醫罔效。
治療經過:王小姐在短短7 週內,耐心接受醫師診療慣用的三種中醫療法,大幅改善病情。本醫案提早健保局於2021 年3 月啟動新制的「複雜性針灸適應症」,提供患者多方位的治療方法。
後記:王小姐為痊癒表示感謝,致贈施醫師一本「佛教概觀史表」、及頌持有靈驗感應的「日本蓮華經」, 以誌謝。
Song-Shan Shih*
Tenshin Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
This was a Chinese medicine case of a 68-year-old Miss Wang who had lived in Vancouver, Canada for more than 30 years.
Self-report: After giving birth at the age of 25, due to breast swelling and pain (suspected diagnosis: acute mastitis), her mother-in-law taught her to use ice cubes to cool her breasts and hold the ice cubes in both hands for about an hour. She believed that this was a chronic disease that caused trouble for more than 40 years in the future chiefly.
Chief complaint: After falling asleep about 1-2 hours every night, there were often 3-5 times of large shaking of the lower limbs, and many interruptions of night sleep, which did not occur during the daytime. Long-term trouble, seeking doctors at home and abroad was ineffective.
Treatment process: In just 7 weeks, Ms. Wang patiently accepted the three traditional Chinese medicine treatments commonly used by Dr. Shih, which greatly improved her condition. In this medical case, the National Health Insurance Bureau launched a new "complex acupuncture indication" in March of 2021 to provide patients with multi-faceted treatment methods.
Postscript: Ms. Wang expressed her gratitude for her recovery, and presented Dr. Shih with a "Buddhism Overview History Form" and the "Japanese Lotus Sutra" with a spiritual inspiration. Thank you for this.
【Keywords】Chinese Medicine Treatment; Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS); Blood
Paralysis; Chill Paralysis; Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy of
Moving Cupping