
99.8 中醫治療小兒夜啼
A Case Report of Night Crying in Children with Chinese Medicine Treatment  
柯皓庭* 楊宗憲
Hao-Ting Ke*Tsung Hsien Yang
Chang Gen Memorial Hospital, Chinese Internal Medicine Department
Night cry is a common pediatric sleep disorder in children. Our case is a 2-year-5-month-old girl presented with night cry and atopic dermatitis. “Spleen is often insufficient in children”, and dietary irregularities will cause a weakening of the spleen’s movement and transformation function, causing food stopped in middle-jiao, gas blocked, fire made and spirit perplexed based on the theory of “ Disorder of the stomach leading to insomnia with restlessness. ”
The common syndromes of Pediatric Night Cry include “cold and gas stopped spleen”, “accumulated heat in heart”, “milk stagnant and frightened spirit”. The treatment includes “warming spleen to disperse cold”, “clearing heart to relieve restlessness”, “invigorating spleen to regulate stomach”, “arresting convulsion to stop crying”, “treatment from the liver pathogenesis”, “treatment from the
gallbladder pathogenesis.”
【Keywords】Night Crying, Itching, Chinese Medicine