
99.7 中醫治療小兒感冒
A Case Report of Common Cold in Children with Chinese Medicine Treatment
施惠齡 林沛穎*
病人為三歲多的男童,過去無特殊或重大疾病,於108 年12 月06 日至本院中醫兒科門診初診。主訴108 年9 月上幼兒園後,反覆感冒多次,希望藉由中醫治療改善。最近一次感冒是108 年11 月30 日開始發燒四天,伴隨咳嗽等呼吸道感染症狀直至就診時仍未痊癒。初診經中醫辨證為外感風熱,痰熱內蘊,服中藥一週後回診感冒症狀即改善許多,故藉由本案例來討論中醫治療小兒感冒的優勢。
Huei Ling ShihPei Ying Lin
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang
Gung Memorial Hospital
This is a three year and eleven month old boy who had no major illness in the past. He went to the TCM Pediatrics Clinic on December 06, 108. The chief complain is that after going to kindergarten in September 108, he repeatedly caught colds, and hoping to improve with Chinese medicine treatment. The most recent cold was a fever that started on November 30, 108, and was accompanied by symptoms of respiratory infections such as cough. The patterns of TCM is externally contracted with wind-heat with phlegm-heat brewing internally. Common cold symptoms improved a lot after taking Chinese medicine for a week. Therefore, we chose this case to discuss the advantages of TCM in treating common cold in children.
【Keywords】Children Cold, Common Cold, Cough, Respiratory Infection, Acute Running Nose