
98.3 中藥結合西醫治療可逆性腦血管收縮症候群


Treatment of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome with Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine
曾瑋涵1,2 張凱惟1,3 陳方佩1,3,4 龔彥穎1,3,4*
1 臺北榮民總醫院傳統醫學部,臺北,台灣
2 中國醫藥大學中醫學系,臺中,台灣
3 國立陽明大學傳統醫藥研究所,臺北,台灣
4 國立陽明大學醫學院醫學系,臺北,台灣
可逆性腦血管收縮症候群(RCVS)是一種尚未被充分認識的神經系統疾病,其中患者會遭受突然的嚴重頭痛(通常被稱為雷擊性頭痛),並表現出可逆性腦血管收縮。目前Nimodipine 是最常用於治療該疾病的藥物。而中醫並無相對應之病名,頭痛的敘述卻早在《內經》可見,且可分為外傷頭痛與內傷頭痛,外傷頭痛以風邪為多,治法以祛邪為主;內傷頭痛則多與肝脾腎有關,治法多著重在扶正。
本篇藉由分享一名45 歲的RCVS 患者,使用Nimodipine 並同時配合中藥(以加味逍遙散、清上蠲痛湯為主,配合天麻、蔓荊子、丹參)調理,使病情趨於穩定,頭痛頻次、疲勞、嘔噁、心悸與胸悶等不適感均獲得改善,影像學追蹤也有明顯變化。
Wei-Han Tseng1,2Kei-Wei Chang1,3Fang-Pey Chen1,3,4Yen-Ying Kung1,3,4*
1Center of Traditional medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
3Institute of Traditional Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
4School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is an underrecognized neurological disease in which patients suffer from sudden severe headache (often called thunderclap headache) and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction. Nimodipine is currently the most commonly used drug to treat the disease. Though there is no corresponding disease name in Chinese medicine, but the description of headache can be seen as early as in the "Huangdi Neijing ", and it can be divided into exogenous headache and introgenous headache. Exogenous headache is mostly caused by pathogenic wind, and the treatment is mainly to dispelling wind; introgenous headaches are mostly related to liver, spleen and kidney. And the treatment is mostly focused on strengthening the body. In this article, by sharing a 45-year-old RCVS patient, taking Nimodipine and at the same time combined with Chinese medicine (mainly with Jia Wei Xiao Yao San, Qing Shang Juan Tong Tang, combined with Tianma, Manjingzi, and Danshen) to stabilize the condition. Frequent headaches, fatigue, nausea, palpitations, chest tightness and other discomforts were all improved, and followup imaging also showed significant changes. This case can provide a reference for the effective clinical experience of treating RCVS with Chinese medicine and western medicine.
【Keywords】reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS), Jia Wei Xiao
Yao San, Qing Shang Juan Tong Tang