
97.02 臺灣中醫藥發展法回顧與展望
Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan Chinese
Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act
全球傳統醫學使用日益增加,WHO 近年陸續公告《2002~2005 年傳統醫學戰略》、《2014~2023 年傳統醫學戰略》、《2011~2020 年西太平洋區域傳統醫學戰略》促進各國將傳統醫學納入國家政策與法律架構,以及提高傳統醫學的品質、有效性及安全性,我國《憲法增修條文》第十條第五項明定「國家應推行全民健康保險,並促進現代和傳統醫藥之研究發展」,並已具有完善的中醫藥管理體系,但多為細部管理法規,未有促進產業發展之創新研發、人才培訓、資金挹注條文,且與韓國《韓醫藥育成法》與中國《中醫藥法》相比,較缺少整體政策、經費補助、醫藥保健、國際交流、產業發展等法規,在行政及財政支援不足,使中醫藥醫療、產業、研究及人才培育
面臨發展瓶頸,爰促使衛生福利部研擬《中醫藥發展法》,並於2019 年12月31 日公布施行。《中醫藥發展法》共七章二十四條,分別於中醫醫療及照護、中藥品質及產業、中醫藥研究、中醫藥人才培育各領域確立發展方針,且各條文內容和說明多具中醫藥特色,可做為各項中醫藥政策施行法源,另外,首次於法律中定義中醫及中藥,界定中醫學理論及中藥學理論範圍,有助於未來法律制定或案例裁定。立法後工作主要包含制定中醫藥獎勵或補助、中藥藥用植物土地承租、中藥上市後監測等子辦法,以及擬定中醫藥發展計畫,執行過程中需提升財政支援,完善各部會溝通及資源整合機制,並彙整中醫藥發展之重點議題,建議可參考韓國三次韓醫藥發展綜合計畫成效,以完善未來《中醫藥發展法》之執行效益。
Prof. Chun-Chuan Shih*
School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Across the world, the demand for traditional medicine services is increasing. The World Health Organization has announced “Traditional Medicine Strategy 2002-2005”, “Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023” and “The Regional Strategy for Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific 2011-2020” to appeal every ry integrating traditional medicine into national policy and legal framework, and improving the quality, efficacy, and safety of traditional medicine.Although the 10th article on the “Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China” defined that “The State shall promote universal health insurance and promote the research and development of both modern and traditional medicines”, and Taiwan also has perfect measures of Chinese medicine. Yet, most of Chinese medicine legal are detailed administration,which don’t have articles on innovative R&D, talent training, funding supply.Compared with “Korean Medicine and Pharmaceutics Promotion Act” of Korea,Law of the People’s Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine” of China, legal framework of Taiwan lacks regulations of overall policies, financial subsidies, public health care, international collaboration, industrial development,etc. Furthermore, there are many obstacles on development of medical service,industry, research and talent cultivation of Chinese medicine due to insufficient administrative and financial support. The above reasons have prompted the Ministry of Health and Welfare to develop the “Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act”, which has announced and implemented on December 31, 2019. “Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act” has seven chapters and twenty-four articles, which have established development policies of Chinese medicine health care, quality management and industry of Chinese medicine products, research and talent cultivation of Chinese medicine and pharmacy. And the content and description of each article is including characteristics of Chinese medicine and pharmacy, which can be used as the sources of law for the various policies of Chinese medicine and pharmacy. In addition, it is the first definition of Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine products which defining the scope of Chinese medical theory and Chinese pharmacy theory, then it will help draw up regulation or judge the rulings. Enacting regulations on awards or subsides of Chinese medicine and pharmacy, the lease of public lands for the cultivation of Chinese medicinal plants, the post-market monitoring of Chinese medicine products, and formulating development plans of Chinese medicine and pharmacy are important after legislating the Act. During the implementation process, it is necessary to improve funding support, complete communication between various departments and resource integration, focus on the key issue of Chinese medicine and pharmacy development, and refer to the results of the three times Korean medicine and pharmaceutics comprehensive plan in South Korea to improve the effectiveness of future implementations of the “Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act”.
【Keywords】Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act, Chinese medicine and Pharmacy policy, Traditional Medicine Strategy, Korean Medicine and Pharmaceutics Promotion Act