
97.01 重要里程碑後的永續發展-中醫藥發展法之政策藍圖
The Milestone in Taiwan: Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act
隨著世界衛生組織日益重視傳統醫藥,韓國、日本、台灣皆相繼訂立法案。台灣的「中醫藥發展法」已於2019 年12 月31 日公布施行。本文簡介法案略歷與衛生福利部中醫藥司相關工作,以利同道先進更加理解國家政策方針。
Prof. Yi-Chao Huang*
Dept. of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
While the World Health Organization pays much more attentions on traditional medicine, the Korean, Japan and Taiwan government in turn put on affiliated laws. The Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Development Act starts in Dec. 31, 2019. This article introduces the related news and other information about the dept. of Chinese medicine and pharmacy in Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan), let everyone knows the framework of Chinese medicine in Taiwan.
【Keywords】World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
Development Act, Taiwan