
93.6 長期便秘之中醫治療病例
Sever Constipation in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Report
江昆壕1 彭啟豪2*
1 長庚紀念醫院中醫內兒科
2 林口長庚紀念醫院
本醫案之病人,便秘20 餘年,2-3 日一行,質硬不暢。長年茹素,平日怕冷,噯氣多,稍食瓜果類即頻尿。診為陽虛不運,痰濕內阻,胃失和降。治以溫陽化氣、袪濕化痰,和胃降逆。主方用桂枝湯、五苓散、溫膽湯,治療1-2 週後,便秘症狀明顯改善。治療過程中,沒有用到大黃類刺激腸道藥物,而是使陽氣得行,痰濕得解,胃氣得降。
Kun-Hao JiangChi-Hao Peng*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
The patient in this case was constipation for more than 20 years with hard stool for 2-3 times a days. She was a long-term vegetarian, usually with cold pattern. The diagnosis was yang deficiency, internal resistance, stomach loss and decline. Treated with warming yang, diminishing phlegm and quieting stomach qi. The main prescription was Guizhi Decoction, Wuling Powder and Wendan Decoction. After 1-2 weeks of treatment, the symptoms of constipation improved significantly. During the treatment, rhubarb drugs was not used for intestinal movement, but to practice the yang and to relieve the phlegm for gastric and intestine function.
constipation, Guizhi Decoction, Wuling Powder, Wendan Decoction