
92.2 失眠一個月以柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯及加味逍遙散治療病例報告
A Case Report: Insomnia for One Month with Chai hu jia longu muli Tang and Ji jiawei xiaoyao San
林新瑜 許珮毓*
現代人普遍工作壓力大,日夜思慮甚多,在青壯年人上多見肝氣鬱結之體質。肝鬱日久易化火化熱,若加上熬夜晚睡、生活作息不正常等等因素,更加傷陰耗液,可進一步導致陰虛。因此,治失眠從肝鬱及陰虛角度來切入辨證,以疏肝理氣、清熱解鬱、滋補肝腎為原則,可作為臨床上治療青壯年族群失眠的主要方針。本病例報告為一名42 歲女性,經中醫治療一週後睡眠改善。
Xinyu LinPeiyu Xu *
Department of Chinese Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Modern people generally got a lot of pressure and thoughts on day and night. In young and middle-aged generations, they are often liver stagnation with poor constitution by cremation heat which damaged the yin and led to yin deficiency.
Therefore, treatment of insomnia from the perspective of liver depression and yin deficiency dialectical, with the principle of soothing the liver and regulating qi,clearing away heat and relieving depression, nourishing liver and kidney, will be used as a clinical therapy for young adults.
insomnia, insomnia, liver, liver qi stagnation, liver stagnation