
201.15中醫治療B 型肝炎中風藥應用的病例報告
中醫治療B 型肝炎中風藥應用的病例報告
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Wind Herbs in Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B: A Case Report
蘇柏璇1 劉佳祐1*
1 台北市立聯合醫院林森中醫院區,台北,台灣
本病例報告描述治療一個B 型肝炎肝功能指數高,伴隨疲倦及嗜睡症狀,初期使用疏肝解鬱和清利濕熱的藥物後,肝功能指數不降反升,在加入風藥使用升陽除濕的方式後,肝功能回復正常的療程。B 型肝炎中醫治療上常常以清肝利濕為主要治療方式,因此在用藥上以清利濕熱、淡滲利濕和疏肝解鬱的藥物為主,但是袪濕之法不是只有淡滲利濕,若加入風藥提升陽氣,加強氣機升降,運用升陽除濕的方式,會起化龍點睛之功效。藉由此病例可知風藥的運用值得醫者在臨床面對此類病症時參考的良好方法之一。
B 型肝炎、風藥、升陽除濕
Su Po-Hsuan1 Liu Chia-Yu1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Linsen Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
This is a male Hepatitis B virus carrier, who presented with abnormal liver function and accompanied with fatigue and drowsiness. At first, we prescribed the Chinese medicine formula to course the liver depression and clear the dampnessheat, but the patient’s liver function still increased. However, we prescribed wind medicine to take the advantage of upbearing yang and clearing dampness, the liver function got markedly improved.
In the treatment course of chronic hepatitis B, the liver dampness and heat was thought as the main pathomechanism. Therefore, Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)physician often used prescription to disinhibit dampness by bland percolation, clear the liver dampness and heat. But the way to disinhibit dampness is not limited in bland percolation, using wind medicine upbearing the yang qi to promote qi dynamics is also an effective way for treating chronic hepatitis B. The method of using wind medicine to improve the liver function of patient with hepatitis B may be one of the feasible treatment.
Keywords: Hepatitis B virus, wind medicine, upbearing yang and clearing dampness