
Literature Review of Influenza Treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine in Recent Years
林宜錚1 吳龍源1 蔡金川1,2 林立偉1*
1 義守大學學士後中醫學系,高雄,台灣
2 財團法人義大醫院中醫部,高雄,台灣
而流感開始受到台灣中、西醫界的注意及引起民眾的恐慌,莫過於2003年爆發的SARS,甚至國際上、兩岸也紛紛投入研究,但當SARS 的疫情漸受控制後,隨之而來的是禽流感與新型流感的流行。故本研究搜集國際與兩岸的醫學期刊對流感之研究文獻,整理並歸納出可行的治療流感方針,且與臨床的運用分析比對,以期加入現代醫學的行列中,提供實證醫學研究,使中醫更符合現代的需求,提升現代臨床醫生運用思維,給予民眾更完善的醫療環境。
I-Cheng Lin1 Lung-Yuan WU1 Chin-Chuan Tsai1,2 Li-Wei Lin1*
1The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University, Kaohsiung
2The Department of Chinese medicine of E-DA Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
With the advancement of the Western medicine, and the more popularity of the concept of public health, most of the epidemic diseases can be controlled before a large-scale outbreak. However, the structure of the influenza virus can continually undergo antigenic shift and drift, over a period of time, the emergence of new viral pathogen will cause the pandemic disease again. Up to now, the influenza has been still an obsession for the medical personnel and experts. In ancient Chinese medical books which have no recording of the word “influenza”, but there are many symptoms, causes, and syndromes similar to the characteristics and causes of the influenza disease since the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic(Huangdi Neijing, 黃帝內經). Therefore, the cause of influenza in Chinese medicine should belongs to the epidemic pathogen, pestilence or latent qi etc. According to this, we understand that the experience of the influenza treatment in TCM has been for thousands of years. The treatments in the Chinese medicine are depending on the imbalanced constitution of patients and achieving the equilibrium health state of body and mind.
The influenza began to attract the Western and Chinese medical fields’attention and cause the panic of population since the outbreak of SARS in 2003,moreover, the international and the both sides of the straits’ researchers have delved into the study of SARS. When the SARS epidemic was under control gradually, the bird flu and new influenza epidemic happened consequently. This study collected, organized and summarized the useful treatment of influenza from the modern TCM data by searching the network of international and Chinese medical journals, and even our native study about the flu. Therefore, this study also analyzed and compared with the clinical treatment in order to let the TCM join the modern medical study and provide the research of evidence-based medicine. In conclusion, we believe that making the TCM correspond with the modern needs and enhancing the TCM clinicians’ thinking of treatment can give people a better medical environment.
Keywords:Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), Influenza, Epidemic pathogen, Pestilence