
TJ TCM.27(1) : 27-37, 2024
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202403_27(1).0003
Revision and Reinterpretation of the Pregnancy Women’s Fetal Injury in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
陳季襄1 林淑鑾2 張永明3,4,5,*
1 中國醫藥大學附設醫院,中醫部,台中
2 一品堂鹿港中醫診所,彰化
3 一品堂豐原中醫診所,台中
4 義守大學醫學院,學士後中醫學系,高雄
背景:《金匱要略.婦人妊娠病脈證並治第二十》(以下簡稱《金匱.妊娠》):「婦人傷胎,懷身腹滿,不得小便,從腰以下重,如有水氣狀。懷身七月,太陰當養不養,此心氣實,當刺瀉勞宮及關元。小便微利則愈 見《玉函》」,言簡意賅而艱澀,歷代醫家或保留原文,或如清.吳謙《醫宗金鑑.金匱要略註》按語曰:「文義未詳,此穴刺之落胎,必是錯簡,不釋。」,導致醫家對婦人「傷胎」存在諸多疑點,影響後世對於「傷胎」診斷和治療。
Chi-Hsiang Chen1 Shu-Luan Lin2 Yung-Ming Chang3,4,5,*
1Department of Chinese Medicine,china Medical University Hospital,404,Taiwan
21PT Lugang Chinese Medicine Clinics, Taichung 404 , Taiwan
31PT Fengyuan Chinese Medicine Clinics, Taichung 404 , Taiwan
4Chinese Medicine Department, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung 824, Taiwan
5The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung 840, Taiwan
Background: The chapter 20 on Pulse Diagnosis and Treatment of gynopathy during pregnancy in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber define “Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury” : ‘when a pregnancy woman suffering from fullness in the abdomen, inability to urinate, heaviness below the waist, as if she has fluid-retention syndrome. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the Taiyin (spleen) channel should be nourishing the fetus, but it fails to do so. The heart qi is in an excessive state. She should be treated by acupuncture at Lao Gong(PC 8) and Guan Yuan(RN 4). When urination is slightly relieved, the syndrome will recover. See Jīn guì yù hán jīng’. The clause is simple and concise but difficult to understand. Medical practitioners of past dynasties either retained the original text or, as Wu Qian of the Qing Dynasty said in his commentary on the Golden Mirror of Medical Ancestry: Essential
Summary of the Golden Chamber: ‘The meaning of the text is not clear. Acupuncture at this point can cause miscarriage. It must be a mistake and is not explained.’ This has led to many doubts among medical practitioners about the diagnosis and treatment of Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury. Purpose: By using key phrases such as ‘abdomen fullness during pregnancy,’
dysuria,’ and ‘edema from the waist down, as if there is water retention,’ the Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury can be redefined and reinterpreted.
Methods: Verification of traditional Chinese medical classics and integration with the pathological manifestations of women in the late stages of pregnancy in Western medicine.
1.“Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury” mainly records the pathological manifestations that appear in women after seven months of pregnancy.
2.The clinical manifestations of “Pregnant Women’s FetalInjury” include ‘abdominal
fullness,’ ‘edema below the waist’ and ‘dysuria.’
Conclusion: According to the timeline and clinical manifestations of the symptoms that appear in “Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury” is equivalent to “preeclampsia”.
Pregnant Women’s Fetal Injury, Pregnancy, Preeclampsia