
264.8 肝腎症候群之中西醫治療病例報告
TJ TCM.26(4) : 91-100, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202309_26(4).0008
Integrated Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine for Hepatorenal Syndrome: A Case Report.
洪政陽 1 鄭婷宜 1,*
1 台北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼院區中醫科
肝硬化後仍持續酗酒。於108年10月13日因發生噁心和吐出咖啡狀嘔出物 、腹脹、發燒、全身嚴重黃疸、下肢水腫、腹水、解黑便,故至醫院急診就診 。住院治療後併發腎功能惡化,西醫評估疑似併發肝腎症候群,經病人要求會 診中醫治療,在經過約兩周的治療後,腎功能明顯改善,順利出院。藉此病例 報告以提出透過中西醫結合的治療經驗,供臨床上參考和運用。
Cheng-Yang Hung1 Ting-Yi Cheng1,*
 1 Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital Heping Fuyou Branch (Heping), Taipei, Taiwan
This is a 47-year-old male patient. He worked in China for many years and had been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. He did not receive regular medical treatment, and kept drinking. After he came back to Taiwan, he suffered from nausea, coffee-ground vomitus, fever, severe jaundice, leg pitting edema, ascites and melena, so he came to our hospital for emergency treatment. His renal function deteriorated during hospitalization, and hepatorenal syndrome was suspected. Then, the patient asked his doctor for Chinese medicine treatment. After nearly two weeks of treatment and follow-up, his renal function significantly ameliorated. He was discharged from our hospital. We demonstrated the experience of integrated therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in this case report as the reference and application in clinical treatment.
Hepatorenal syndrome; Traditional Chinese medicine; Liver cirrhosis; ascites; Acute hepatic failure