
264.5 電針治療腸造口關閉手術後腸阻塞之 病例報告

 TJ TCM.26(4) : 55-71, 2023

DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202309_26(4).0005
電針治療腸造口關閉手術後腸阻塞之 病例報告
Electroacupuncture Improves Postoperative
Ileus in Patient Underwent Loop Ileostomy
Closure: A Case Report
唐萱庭 1 黃明正 1,*
1 中國醫藥大學附設醫院中醫部,台中,台灣
術後腸阻塞是腸造口關閉手術後最常見且重要的併發症,影響病患的腸胃道功能,產生噁心嘔吐、腹脹、腹痛等症狀,擾亂術後的恢復情形,甚至會延長住院天數而造成負擔。目前臨床上針對術後腸阻塞仍以保守治療與支持性療法為主,透過限制飲食、鼻胃管腸道減壓、周邊營養支持等方式,讓病患腸胃道妥善休息後自行恢復蠕動,然而腸胃道動力恢復的時間卻難以掌控。 本病例為69歲男性患者,半年前因肛門反覆出血而診斷出大腸直腸癌,經 過同步化學放射治療與手術切除腫瘤後,於110年7月6日入院接受迴腸造口關 閉手術,術後無法解便,腹脹嚴重,故會診中醫針灸協助治療。病患於前三次 針刺治療後,稍可自行排便,但仍腹脹,嘔吐多次而放置鼻胃管引流減壓,之後我們改以電針治療的當天,病患腹脹大減,排便量增加,且於大腸鏡檢查中證實已無明顯糞便積聚,之後持續以電針治療六次,逐漸改善腸胃症狀,增進 食慾和進食量。因此我們認為電針可有效改善腸造口關閉後的術後腸阻塞,恢復腸胃道蠕動,幫助病患提早出院。
Hsuan-Ting Tang1 Ming-Cheng Huang1,*
 1 Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Postoperative ileus is the most common and crucial complication following loop ileostomy closure, which leads to important health care issue that may delay discharge from the hospital after surgery. The cardinal symptoms of postoperative ileus include nausea and vomiting, inability to tolerate oral intake, abdominal distension, and delayed passage of flatus or stools. At present, supportive care including pain management, diet restriction, bowel decompression with a nasogastric tube placed, peripheral nutritional support is the mainstay of treatment for those with postoperative ileus. However, the gastrointestinal recovery time is unpredictable. This 69-year-old male patient diagnosed as rectal cancer six months ago owing to recurrent rectal bleeding. After surgical intervention of robotic low anterior resection and concurrent chemoradiotherapy, he was admitted to the China Medical University Hospital for ileostomy closure surgery on July 6, 2021. Because of postoperative complications such as constipation and abdominal distension, the patient asked for acupuncture treatment as adjuvant therapy. Only a few feces the patient defecated after three sessions of acupuncture treatments. He had a nasogastric tube placed for bowel decompression resulted from consistent abdominal distension and vomit episodes. Given to the dose of acupuncture might be insufficient, we shifted the manual acupuncture to electroacupuncture. Then, his abdominal distension was greatly relieved, and the defecation gradually increased. The colonoscopy showed no obvious fecal impaction which confirmed the effect of electroacupuncture therapy. After six sessions of the electroacupuncture treatments, the patient with improved appetite was discharged smoothly. As a result, we believe that electroacupuncture can effectively ameliorate the symptoms of postoperative ileus after ileostomy closure surgery, restore gastrointestinal motility, and help patients to be discharged early.
Electroacupuncture; postoperative ileus; ileostomy closure