
263.2 慣性式阻力訓練對體操選手下肢神經肌肉和運動表現之影響
 TJ TCM.26(3) : 15-32, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202309_26(3).0002
The Effects of Modified Flywheel-based
 Inertial Training Session on Lower Limb Neuromuscular
 Function and Athletic Performance in Gymnasts
高裕軒 1 麥劉湘涵 1 陳妙怡 2 林恭儀 3,4,* 翁士航 2,*
 1 國立臺灣師範大學體育與運動科學系
前言:良好的阻力訓練對競技體操選手的體能狀態一直扮演著關鍵運動勝出關鍵,因此建立客觀科學方法來評估競技體操訓練在生理功能表現的有效性顯得格外重要。本研究致力於六週不同強度之慣性式阻力訓練(modified Flywheel[1]based Inertial Training Session, mFITS),來探討競技體操選手下肢神經肌肉和運動表現的關係,藉以驗證 mFITS 在運動體操訓練模式的有效性。
研究方法:於11011月至1125月期間招募16名體操選手當試驗對象年齡介20-24歲。研究設計採取2階段混和交叉和平衡次序法的分配方式來進行運動強度分組;mFITS 運動訓練課程是為期六週的阻力強化訓練,收集前後測量選手最大肌力、爆發力、速度、敏捷及平衡測驗數值,並在爆發力測驗同步進行神經肌肉檢測等數據紀錄,來分析階段性慣性式阻力訓練過程對選手肌肉與神經反應的用動表現。
結論:藉由六週中高強度(0.050 kg·m2 mFITS 台灣訓練模式,能明顯有效提升國內體操選手下肢最大肌力、爆發力、速度和敏捷表現;而六週的高強度( 0.075 kg·m2 mFITS 台灣訓練模式則更能有效提升體操選手下肢最大肌力、爆發力和平衡等的運動表現
Yu-Hsuan KAO1 , Hsiang-Han MAI LIU1 , Yi-Miao CHEN2 , Justin Kung- Yi LIN3,4,*, Shih-Hang WENG2,*
 1 Department of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, TNU.
2 Department of Athletic Performance, TNU.
3 Singing Praises Traditional Clinic
 4 Taipei Medical University
Introduction: Resistance training plays a crucial role in improving the physical fitness of gymnasts and is a key factor in winning competitions. Therefore, it is important to establish a scientific model to evaluate the effectiveness of resistance training on physiological performance in gymnastics practice. Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between lower limb neuromuscular function and athletic performance in gymnasts using six weeks of modified Flywheel-based Inertial Training Sessions (mFITS) of different intensities, in order to validate the effectiveness of mFITS in the new gymnastics training course.
Methods: Sixteen gymnasts aged between 20-24 years old were recruited as subjects between November 2021 and May 2023. A two-stage mixed crossover and balanced order method was used to allocate the training intensity groups. The mFITS training program was a six-week resistance training program that measured the athlete’s maximum strength, explosive power, speed, agility, and balance test values before and after the program. Neuromuscular testing was also conducted during the explosive power test to analyze the use of dynamic performance of the athlete’s muscles and nerves during the mFITS training process.
Results: We found that (1) maximum strength performance was significantly better in the medium-high and high-intensity groups than before training, and both groups 32 were better than the low-intensity group; (2) explosive power performance was significantly better in the medium-high and high-intensity groups than before training; (3) there was no difference in neuromuscular performance before and after training; (4) in terms of speed performance, both the medium-high and high-intensity groups showed significant improvement in 10-30m acceleration and explosive power compared to before training; (5) in terms of agility performance, the medium-high-intensity group was significantly better than before training; (6) in terms of balance performance, both the low-intensity and high-intensity groups were significantly better than before training.
Conclusion: Six weeks of medium-high intensity (0.050 kg·m2 ) Taiwan mFITS training do significantly improve the maximum strength, explosive power, speed, and agility performance of gymnasts. Meanwhile, six weeks of high-intensity (0.075 kg·m2 ) mFITS training can effectively improve the maximum strength, explosive power, and balance performance of gymnasts.
Keywordsmodified flywheel-based inertial training session, neuromuscular, athletic performance, gymnasts