
263.1 青少女經痛與中醫體質之相關性研究: 以蘭陽女中為例
TJ TCM.26(3) : 1-13, 2023
DOI : : 10.6516/TJTCM.202309_26(3).0001
青少女經痛與中醫體質之相關性研究: 以蘭陽女中為例
Correlation between Dysmenorrhea and
TCM Constitution in Female Adolescents:
An Example of Lan-Yang Girls’ Senior High School
簡淨音 1 賴慧真 2 蔡金川 3 陳旺全 3,4 呂萬安 5,*
目的:經痛(dysmenorrhea)是婦女常見的疾病之一,不僅影響女性的生理質 量,還影響生理層面,整體觀念和辨證論治是中醫兩個基本特點,和體質有密 不可分的關係,本研究乃針對青少女進行經痛與中醫體質的關係探討,進一步 分析是否與個案之人口學資料、疾病狀況、家族病史、疾病治療等有所關聯, 希望能夠提供中西醫師在臨床上之參考。 方法:本研究採取結構式問卷調查,以立意取樣為原則,對象為國立蘭陽女中 學生進行隨機抽籤,問卷第一部份為個人 基本資料,第二部份為經期相關資 料,第三部份是中醫體質量表。
結果:共收案 483人,足歲年齡15歲 110人(22.8%),16歲147人(30.4%),17 歲168人(34.8%),初經年齡11歲90人(18.6%),12歲173人(35.8%),13 歲121人(25.1%),BMI 過輕124人(25.7%),BMI 過重33人(6.8%),BMI 屬肥胖21人(4.3%)。其中有經痛經驗者283人(58.6%),無經痛經驗者188 人(38.9%),經痛最主要的不適症狀為下腹疼痛,經期各類疼痛與程度則以 輕度陣陣的抽痛與難受最多;經痛程度與中醫體質具有顯著相關性(χ2 =14.06 ,p=.03<.05),相反的經痛有無與中醫體質則無顯著相關性。
Ching-Yin Chien, M.A. 1 Hui-Chen Lai, M.D.2 Chin-Chuan Tsai, M.D., Ph.D. 3 Wang-Chuan Chen, M.D., Ph.D. 3,4 Wan-An Lu, M.D., Ph.D.5,*
 1 Graduate Institute of Cultural Assets and Reinvention, Fo Guang University, Yilan, Taiwan;
 2 Effectived Integration Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan;
 3 Department of Chinese Medicine, E-DA Dachang Hospital, The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;
4 The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
 5 College of LOHAS Industry, Fo Guang University, Yilan, Taiwan.
Purpose: Dysmenorrhea is one of the common diseases among women. It not only affects women’s physical quality, but also affects the physiological level. Holistic concept and syndrome differentiation and treatment are two basic characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, which are inseparable from physical fitness. This study was investigated the correlation between dysmenorrhea and TCM constitution in female adolescents, further analyze whether it is related to the demographic data, disease status, family history and disease treatment, hoping enough traditional Chinese physician and Western physician’s clinical references.
Methods: This study adopts a structured questionnaire survey with the purposive sampling. The objects are randomly selected students of National Lan-Yang Girls’ Senior High School. The first part of the questionnaire is personal basic information, the second part is menstrual related information, and the third part is TCM constitution quality table.
Results: A total of 483 cases were accepted, among which 110 (22.8%) were 15 years old, 147 (30.4%) were 16 years old, and 168 (34.8%) were 17 years old. There were 90 (18.6%) at the menstrual age of 11, 173 (35.8%) at the menstrual age of 12, and 121 (25.1%) at the menstrual age of 13. There were 124 (25.7%) had an 13 underweight BMI, 33 (6.8%) had an overweight BMI, and 21 (4.3%) had an obese BMI. Among them, 283 (58.6%) had menstrual pain experience, and 188 (38.9%) had no menstrual pain experience. The main symptom of menstrual pain is lower abdominal pain, and the most common type and degree of menstrual pain is mild throbbing pain and discomfort. here is a significant correlation between the degree of menstrual pain and TCM constitution (χ2 =14.06p=.03.05), on the contrary, there is no significant correlation between the presence of dysmenorrhea and TCM constitution.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the severity of menstrual pain or severe menstrual pain and TCM constitution.
Keywordsdysmenorrhea, Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution, primary dysmenorrhea, secondary dysmenorrhea, female adolescents