
262.6 中西醫治療反覆性腦出血之病例報告
TJ TCM.26(2) : 59-68, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202306_26(2).0006
Treatment of recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage with Integrated Traditional
Chinese and Western Medicine- A Case Report
江萬里1  陳嘉允1
1 彰化基督教醫院中醫部,彰化,台灣
本病例為一位48 歲男性,因雙側肢體無力、頭痛,及眩暈已三天,於2018/10/02 就診鹿港基督教醫院,經頭部電腦斷層掃描後,顯示為左側顳葉腦實質出血,並於當日下午轉至彰化基督教醫院之加護病房接受治療,當時患者之昏迷指數為E4M6V5,右側肌力為4 分,左側肌力為3 分。後續因生命徵象與病況穩定,於2018/10/04 轉入普通病房持續接受治療,並因雙側肢體無力,尤以左側肢體為甚,故於當日會診中醫進行中西醫結合治療,住院期間左側肌力一度減退至0 分,透過針灸及中藥的幫助之下,本病患四肢肌力恢復良好,意識清醒,於2018/11/26 順利出院,故藉此病例報告提出中藥
Wan-Li Chiang1Jia-Yun Chen1
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
This case is a 48-year-old male who was sent to the Lukang Christian Hospital on 2018/10/02 due to bilateral limb weakness, headache, and dizziness for three days. In emergency room, the brain CT scan showed that intracerebral hemorrhage at left temporal lobe. Then he was transferred to the intensive care unit of Changhua Christian Hospital for treatment. At that time, the patient’s coma scale was E4M6V5, muscle power of right limb was 4, and the left one was 3. Subsequently, due to the vital signs and condition was stable, he was transferred to the general ward for treatment on 2018/10/04. In addition, due to bilateral limb weakness, especially the left limb, Chinese medicine was consulted for coordinated treatment of Chinese and Western medicine on the same day. During the hospitalization, the muscle power of the left side had been decreased to 0. Then, he was discharged after regaining consciousness, and his muscle power had progressed. The patient recovered well after the intervention of integrated Chinese and Western medicine. This case report was used to provide treatment experience of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for clinical reference.
【Keywords】recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage, Chinese medicine, integrated
Chinese and Western medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine.