
261.7 針刀拔罐療法治療下背痛的案例探討
TJ TCM.26(1) : 81-90, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202303_26(1).0007
A Case Study of Acupuncture and Cupping Therapy for Lower Back Pain
陳朝龍1* 楊宗翰2
1 臺北市立大學,台北,台灣
2 康禾中醫診所,台北,台灣
根據健保資料庫統計,下背痛,也就是我們常聽到的腰痛,是肌肉骨骼系統中最常見的疾病之一,年盛行率達15%-45%,近八成的人在一生中曾有下背痛的困擾。27 歲的女性患者,走進診間時稍微跛行,主訴左腰部疼痛,近一年來在久坐要站起來那一瞬間腰部與鼠蹊部明顯疼痛,無外傷病史,平時工作需久坐,睡覺時要側躺腳並弓起來才比較舒服。於110 年5 月13 日來本診所就診,透過「象限檢痛法」診斷為髂腰肌緊繃所致,經針刀、拔罐,與「強化腹肌力量」的復健運動,治療三個月後痊癒。
Chau-Lung Chen1*Tsung-Han Yang2
1University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2Come hope clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
According to the statistics of the health insurance database, lower back pain is one of the most common diseases in the musculoskeletal system, with an annual prevalence rate of 15%-45%. Nearly 80% of people have suffered from lower back pain in their lifetime. A 27-year-old female patient walked into the clinic with a slight limp and complained the pain in the left waist. In the past year, her waist and groin were obviously painful when she had to stand up after sitting for a long time. She had no history of trauma. It is more comfortable for her to sleep on her side and arch her feet up. On May 13th 2021, the patient came to our clinic and was diagnosed with iliopsoas muscle tension through the "quadrant pain detection method". After acupuncture, cupping, and rehabilitation exercises to strengthen abdominal muscle strength, the patient was healed in three months.
【Keywords】Accupuncture; traumatic manipulation; cupping and bloodletting;
lower back pain; rectus abdominis; iliopsoas