
254.2 中藥介入治療對新冠肺炎重症療效評估
TJ TCM.25(4) : 15-26, 2022 15
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202212_25(4).0002


Evaluation of the Curative Effect on Traditional Chinese Medicine
in Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
周仁傑1 莊佳穎1 陳智聖1,3 羅子堯1 王人澍1,2*
1 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人台中慈濟醫院中醫部,台中,台灣
2 慈濟大學學士後中醫學系,花蓮,台灣
3 童綜合醫療社團法人童綜合醫院,沙鹿院區中醫科,台中,台灣
背景:新型冠狀病毒肆虐全球,該病毒不僅有高傳染力,感染後亦有較高的重症機率,因此西醫或中醫皆朝著能夠有效抑制病毒繁殖和減少重症的方向努力。受Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)感染的患者中,存在高炎症反應及免疫抑制的狀況,根據先前中醫以中藥治療SARS 的經驗,發現中藥具有抗發炎、抗病毒及免疫調節的特性,因此適當的中藥介入對於治療新冠肺炎患者能有一定程度上的效果。
方法:本研究描述了7 名由台中慈濟醫院收治入院的COVID-19 重症患者,均
接受西醫常規治療,其中有5 名同時接受中醫藥物治療。
結果:中藥介入治療組與無中藥介入治療組相比,在症狀緩解速度(住院天數)及病毒量衰退速度(病毒篩檢陽性轉陰性或Cycle Threshold 值< 30 的時間),相較於無中藥介入有更佳的表現。
結論:在COVID-19 重症住院患者中,中藥治療搭配西醫常規治療與單純西醫常規治療相比,有較能緩解症狀及增快病毒衰退速度的趨勢,差異並不是非常顯著,可能受限於研究族群過小,若未來能有更多更大型的相關研究,相信可以更看出中藥介入COVID-19 重症患者的有效性。
Ren-Jie Chou1Chuang Chia-Ying1Chih-Sheng Chen1,3
Zi-Yao Luo1Jen-Shu Wang1,2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan
2School of Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
3Tungs’ Taichung Metroharbor Hospital, Shalu Campus, Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan
Background: The new coronavirus is raging around the world. This virus is not
only highly infectious, but also has a high mortality rate once humans are infected.
Therefore, both Western and Chinese medicine are trying to find effective drugs,
which can block the reproduction of the virus and prevent the COVID 19 patients
progressing to severe illness. Patients infected with severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have a high inflammatory response and
immunosuppression in the clinical course. According to the previous experience of
the treatment against SARS, it has been found that Traditional Chinese Medicine
has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Therefore,
appropriate treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine have great opportunity to
help COVID 19 patients accelerate recovery.
Method: We describe a series of seven patients who were tested positive and
admitted to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital. After admission, they were all classified as
severe illness according to their clinical conditions. Two of them (control group)
were only treated with standard Western medicine at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital,
and five of them treated with standard Western medicine combined with Chinese
Herbal Medicine (CHM).
Results: Among the 7 severely ill patients admitted to this hospital, the CHM group
compared with the control group, not only the speed of symptom relief (days of
hospitalization) but the speed of virus decline (virus screening time from positive
to negative or Cycle Threshold value < 30) are better than the control group. If
compared with other antiviral drug related papers, good curative effects can be
obtained in the above two indicators. Only in terms of the speed of symptom relief,
there is still room for improvement when discussing with China’s TCM formula-
Qingfei Paidu decoction against COVID 19.
Conclusion: Chinese Herbal Medicine against COVID 19 can significantly shorten
the duration of hospital stay and virus decline.
【Keywords】SARS-CoV-2 virus; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Chinese Herbal Medicine; symptom relief; the speed of virus decline