
25S.18 COVID-19中醫藥治療經驗分享

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 157-168, 2022

COVID-19 中醫藥治療經驗分享
An Experience of Treating COVID-19 by Traditional Chinese Medicine-A Case Report
1 馬偕紀念醫院中醫部,台北,台灣
Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)是由一種新型冠狀病毒Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) 所引起的傳染性疾病,目前已成為世界各國迫切需要解決的醫療問題。截至目前為止(2021/11/20),新冠肺炎已擴散至222 個國家並感染高達2 億五千萬人,並造成了五百萬人死亡。因此世界許多組織都將研究COVID-19 的治療方法視為重點,希望能進一步降低SARS-CoV-2 所造成的傷害,但許多研究由於收案規模較小,因此許多實驗結果仍存在疑慮。儘管已有疫苗問世,COVID-19 仍在許多國家肆虐,現行的治療仍是以支持性和症狀治療為主。
COVID-19 最早在武漢發生,所以中國當地累積了十分多的治療經驗。許多文獻指出中醫藥的配合治療能夠更好的改善COVID-19 病人的症狀,而台灣又因為清冠一號的發行而讓更多民眾知道中醫能提供協助治療COVID-19,許多病人因而尋求中醫幫助。
本病例為一名54 歲的女性患者因感染COVID-19 而尋求中西醫治療。在服用中藥12 天後症狀和X 光都獲得了明顯改善。可提供COVID-19 患者一個有效的中西醫合療方式。
Pei-Chien Hsu1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and has become an urgent medical problem needed to be resolved all over the world. The coronavirus COVID-19 has spread to 222 ries and resulted in more than 250 million cases infected and nearly 5 million deaths worldwide to date (11/20/2021). Therefore, fighting the COVID-19 pandemic is a top priority in medical research and pharmaceutical development. Hundreds of organizations are working on innovations to reduce the impact of SARS-CoV-2, but with many studies carried out independently in small numbers of people, there is still a risk that the trials will lack statistical rigour. Although the vaccine has come out, the COVID-19 is still raging in many ries. Current treatment is still focused on supportive care and symptomatic treatment.
COVID-19 first occurred in Wuhan, so China has accumulated a lot of local treatment experience. Many references indicated that the combined treatment of Chinese medicine and western medicine can significant improve the symptoms of COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, the release of Qing Guan Yi Hao in Taiwan has also let more people know that Chinese medicine can provide assistance in the treatment of COVID-19. Not surprisingly, many patients have turned to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to seek for help.
We report a case of a 54-year-old female patient with COVID-19 seeking TCM advice. The symptoms, X-Ray were improved after taking Chinese herbal formulae within 12 days. This approach seems to offer a effective alternative combined treatment for COVID-19 patients.
【Keywords】COVID-19; Traditional Chinese Medicine; SARS-CoV-2; Pandemic