
241.6 保產無憂方的運用經驗分享及禁忌
TJ TCM.24(1) : 65-76, 2021
The indications and contraindications for
the use of traditional herbal formula Bao-Chan-Wu-You-Fang
祝璿嬿1 賴榮年2,3*
1 中國醫藥大學附設醫院中醫婦科
2 中國醫藥大學附設醫院中西醫結合科
3 中國醫藥大學中醫學院
保產無憂方為台灣中醫婦科醫師常常運用的安胎與順產藥方,在明末清初中醫大家《傅青主女科• 補編》章節中,說明:「保胎,每月三、五服,臨產熱服,催生如神」的功效;清• 程國彭《醫學心悟》指出:「婦人臨產,先服一二劑,自然易生;或遇橫生倒產,甚至連日不生,速服一二劑,應手取效」。程國彭解釋主要作用是「撐法」:「當歸、川芎、白芍養血活血者也;厚朴去瘀血者也,用之撐開血脈,俾惡露不致填塞。羌活、荊芥疏通太陽,將背後一撐,太陽經脈最長,太陽治而諸脈皆治。枳殼疏理結氣,將面前一撐,俾胎氣斂仰而無阻滯之虞。艾葉溫暖子宮,撐動子宮則胞胎靈動。川貝、菟絲最能運胎順產,將胎氣全體一撐,大具天然活潑之趣矣。加黃耆所以撐扶元氣,元氣旺則轉運有力也。生薑通神明去穢惡,散寒止嘔,所以撐扶正氣而安胃氣。甘草協和諸藥,俾其左宜右有,而全其撐法之神也。」本文將探討保產無憂方清朝中醫婦科各大家的使用經驗彙整、運用於第一孕程中醫安胎的注意事項,及作者運用保產無憂方於懷孕的第28 週、32 週、36 週、待產前、與產程停滯時的經驗分享。
Hsuan-Yen June, MD1Jung-Nien Lai, MD, PhD1,2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital
2College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
Bao-Chan-Wu-You-Fang (BCWYF) is a widely used traditional herbal formula in promoting and protecting a normal birth. One famous traditional Chinese medical physician in Ming dynesty, Fu Qin Zhu, indicated that taking BCWYF three times to five times per month could protect fetus and taking this prescription with hot water before labor could promoting augmentation of labor. Another physician in Qing dynesty, Cheng Guo Peng, pointed out that pregnant woman taking one to two doses of BCWYF could promoting labor; further, to pregnant women whose fetus is in malposition or who experienced prolonged labor, taking one to two doses of BCWYF would promote normal labor quickly. This review article showed important information of tocolysis with traditional Chinese mecine especially in first trimester and shared the treatment experience of BCWYF in the third trimester, in labor and prolonged labor.
【Keywords】Bao-Chan-Wu-You-Fang; Chinese Medicine; Tocolysis; Eutocia; Augmentation of Labor