
241.3 失智症患者針灸治療知情同意情形與影響因子
TJ TCM.24(1) : 25-38, 2021
Informed Consent and Influence Factors of Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with
黃懷蒂1 林舜穀2,3*
1 國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處研究倫理中心
2 台北市立聯合醫院仁愛區中醫科
3 國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所
方法:本研究為回溯性橫斷研究(Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study),屬於觀察性研究(Observational Research)。利用台北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區,中醫失智症特別門診於2016 年1 月至2017 年12 月間之失智症患者的病歷資料與同意書內容,以研究台灣中醫失智症患者行使針灸治療同意權之情形與可能的影響因子。本研究的研究變項包含有性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、簡易認知量表總分、臨床失智評分表總分、日常生活活動力量表總分、簡短版神經精神量表總分等變項,並以羅吉斯迴歸分析(Logistic regression)測試變項間是否有顯著的影響差距。
結果:本研究共納入287 位失智症患者,本研究發現失智症患者接受針灸治療呈現兩極化現象,在疾病嚴重度較低和較嚴重的患者,接受針灸的比率較高。從簡易心智量表總分與臨床失智評估量表分數和同意針灸治療的分析也可以驗證此現象;此外,簡短版的神經精神量表可以作為是否接受針灸治療的良好預測指標,神經精神量表分數越高的患者,接受針灸治療的傾向越低。我們發現隨著簡易心智量表總分或日常生活活動能力量表總分下降,或是臨床失智評估量表分數上升,則家屬代為行使同意權的傾向也顯著的上升。換句話說,隨著認知退化功能越嚴重,則家屬代為行使同意權的比例越高。
Huai-Ti Huang1Shun-Ku Lin2,3*
1Research Ethics Committee, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Ren-Ai Branch . Department of
Health, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
3Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
Background: The main symptom of dementia patients is the cognitive decline, so patients can not perform informed consent for medical behavior. Acupuncture treatment can reduce cognitive deterioration and mental behavior symptoms in dementia patients, but the procedure is accompanied by pain. How to let patients correctly understand the side effects of acupuncture and implement valid informed consent is a difficult problem for clinicians.
Method: This study is a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. We collected medical records and consents from dementia patients from Taipei City United Hospital from January 2016 to December 2017. The purpose of the study was to analyze the informed consent and possible impact factors of acupuncture in patients with dementia. Research variables included gender, age, education, marital status, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), Activities of daily living (ADL), and Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI). We tested whether there were significant differences between variables in Logistic regression.
Result: A total of 287 patients with dementia were included in the study. We found that patients with the lowest and highest disease severity had a higher rate of acupuncture. Besides, NPI is a good predictor of acupuncture treatment. Patients with higher NPI scores have a lower tendency to receive acupuncture treatment. We also found that as the total score of MMSE or ADL decreased, the proportion of family members who agreed to treat patients also increased significantly.
Conclusion: Patients with different degrees of dementia have significant differences in the degree of acceptance and informed consent of acupuncture.
Single-form acupuncture consent does not apply to all types of dementia. We suggest that the decision-sharing making method should be introduced. It can help medical colleagues understand the needs of patients and make more reasonable and multi-acceptable medical decisions.
【Keywords】Patient Autonomy Rights; Informed Consent; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Dementia; Acupuncture; Shared Decision Making