
232.13 再生不良性貧血之中醫治療病例報告
TJ TCM.23(2) : 169-182, 2020
A Case Report of Aplastic Anemia Treated
with Traditional Chinese Medicine 
吳立工1 林郁甯1*
1 花蓮慈濟醫院中醫部,花蓮,台灣
再生不良性貧血,是以全血球低下為主要表現的骨髓造血障礙疾病,臨床症狀常見貧血、面色蒼白、疲倦不適、易受感染和出血瘀斑。在中醫的病因病機主要為毒邪侵髓、腎精虧虛、脾胃虛弱、髓海瘀阻。西方醫學運用免疫抑制劑、皮質類固醇、環孢菌素、化學治療或骨髓移植進行治療,但仍存在許多風險與副作用。本案例為一名44 歲男性,在103 年7 月於林口長庚確診為再生不良性貧血,於103/12/11 求診花蓮慈濟醫院中醫科,就診中醫後,未服用西藥或進行西醫治療,僅處方口服科學中藥,後諸症逐漸平穩,全血球計數也陸續恢復正常,因本案例治療效果極佳,故分享給中西醫同道,期望本案可以做為臨床醫師治療時的參考。
Li-Gong Wu1Yu-Ning Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
Aplastic anemia (AA) is a bone marrow disease which causes defects on hematopoietic stem cells and leads to pancytopenia. Clinical symptoms are anemia, pale skin, fatigue, getting infection easily, bleeding, bruising and petechiae. On pathogenesis of TCM, aplastic anemia is categorized in four major group, which is 1.Kidney essence deficiency 2. Spleen chi and blood deficiency 3.Poison in bone marrow and 4.Blood stasis in bone marrow. Immunosuppressor, corticosteroids, chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation are the major treatments in western medicine. However, it still has horrible risks and side effects. This case is a 44-year-old male office staff who was diagnosed with aplastic anemia in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in July 2014. He did not receive any western medicine or treatment. He have started TCM therapy since December 11th, 2014 in Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. His symptoms gradually disappeared after TCM concentration medicine treatment. Moreover, the results of complete blood gradually became normal. As a consequence, we share this very successful case to all doctors. Hope this case report can be used as a reference for the treatment of aplastic anemia by chinese and western doctors.
【Keywords】Aplastic anemia (AA), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),Pathogenesis, Mechanism