
231.15 兒童發育遲緩中醫治療顯效案例
TJ TCM.23(1) : 185-196, 2020
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202003_23(1).0015
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Developmentally Delayed Children: A Case Report
俞馨媛1 楊成湛1,2*
2 慈濟大學學士後中醫學系,花蓮,台灣
案童四歲五個月時,因鼻過敏症狀合併食慾差,到本院接受中醫內科治療。106/12/21 案童5 3 個月時,經幼兒園老師發覺其右手粗動作不利與左腳無力,且發展篩檢未過(語言、職能、認知),故至西醫復健科檢查,診斷為混合型發展遲緩。經中醫四診,則診斷該童小兒發展遲緩之對應病名為五遲、五軟。自107/01/18 起中醫除了用宣通肺衛與補氣健脾之科學中藥之外,也加上針刺與小兒推拿治療,另加強衛教跳繩運動。至108/09/26 為止,共治療兩年六個月,其粗動作不利與左腳無力症狀及語言職能評估已正常,食慾改善五成,鼻過敏改善三成。目前西醫復健科治療已停止,固定一週一次回診中醫,已無發展遲緩之跡象。
Hsin-Yuan Yu1Cheng-Chan Yang1,2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
2The School of Post Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien Taiwan
A 7 year-old male patient has visited our Chinese Medical Department for Allergic rhinitis and poor appetite since the age of 4. He was found that he had insufficient gross motor skills at age of 5, especially at throwing, catching with right upper extremity and having weaker left lower extremity. Under the diagnosis of Allergic rhinitis and Mixed development disorder (on language and gross motor movement) which in Chinese medicine is correlative to “five retardations” and “ five flaccidity” the boy was treated by with chinese medicine, acupuncture and tuina to enhance defence qi of lung, tonify spleen and stomach. After 30-monthtreatment,all of his language, gross motor skill, and appetite have magnificently
improved. However, he still suffered from Allergic rhinitis when the weather changed dramatically.
Keywords Chinese medicine, developmental delay, five retardations, five flaccidity