
222.14 陽痿的中醫診治病例報告
TJ TCM.22(2) : 139-146, 2019
Case Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment on Erectile Dysfunction
何孟杰1 黃中瑀1 林文勝1*
1 臺北市立萬芳醫院傳統醫學科,台北,台灣
陽痿又稱勃起功能障礙,是指男性持續性或經常性的無法達到或維持足夠的陰莖勃起以進行滿意的性行為,為男性最常見的困擾,除了生理上的不適外,更會造成個人精神上的壓力,再因疾病較為隱私,患者有可能較不敢求助,導致嚴重影響身心功能。古代陽痿成因多以腎虛寒為主,但現今社會多見以肝鬱、痰瘀互結為主因的患者,本篇為一位62 歲患者因糖尿病、高血壓與其他慢性疾病,導致逐漸出現陰莖勃起不全的症狀,辨證主因為肝鬱、痰瘀阻絡兼腎虛,主方選用血府逐瘀湯與甘露消毒丹,疏肝瀉濁,祛瘀通絡,回診根據以通為補(實則瀉之)原則加入右歸丸等藥補益腎陽,經治療後症狀明顯改善。
Meng-Chieh Ho1 Jung-Yu Huang1 Wen-Sheng Lin1*
1Department of Traditional Medicine, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Erectile dysfunction, which means the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex, is the most popular disorder in male population. Compared to the past, dampness and blood stasis are the dominant disease pattern nowadays instead of kidney yang vacuity. A 62-year-old male with major past history of diabetes and hypertension complained about abating sexual function gradually about 1 year. With treatment methods of coursing depression, dispelling dampness,quickening the blood and transforming stasis (Repletion is treated by draining),the Chinese herbal granule, Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan and Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, were prescribed primarily. After second appointment, we add You Gui Wan to assist kidney yang. Erectile dysfunction is improved.
Erectile Dysfunction, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Repletion is treated by draining