
222.12 鼻咽癌投與清咽利膈湯臨床病例報告
TJ TCM.22(2) : 115-124, 2019 115
The Use of Qing Yang Li Ge Tang Decoction in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Case Report
楊清惠1,2* 洪義成3
1 高雄榮民總醫院傳統醫學科,高雄,台灣
2 樹人醫護管理專科學校,屏東,台灣
3 高雄榮民總醫院藥學部藥師,高雄,台灣
鼻咽癌主要發生在東南亞地區,以台灣、香港和中國大陸地區為主。根據衛生署在2008 年統計資料顯示,鼻咽癌為台灣男性主要癌症死亡原因的第九名。鼻咽癌好發年齡主要在40 50 歲之壯年期,對社會、經濟、勞力及家庭造成重大衝擊。男比女易患鼻咽癌,比例為3 1。鼻咽癌發生之原因為多重因素所構成,危險因子為種族遺傳因素、環境因素、抽菸和喝酒以及EB 病毒感染。中醫認為,鼻咽癌發病主要是由臟腑機能失調,火毒、瘀血、痰濁內生,留結鼻咽而變生癌腫。鼻咽癌開始是肺熱。肺開竅於鼻,肺氣通於鼻,肺氣不和則上焦熱盛,迫血離經出現鼻衄。若氣血凝滯,津液壅塞停結,則變生息肉而鼻塞。其次是肝鬱氣逆,肝與相表裡,膽移熱於腦則腦崩。肝氣逆則頭痛、耳聾。若風熱毒氣鬱積臟腑,則出現口舌歪斜視一為二等症狀。若肝腎精血虧損,虛火內動,或痰火升鬱於耳中,則耳鳴、耳聾。治療鼻咽癌注重蠲毒逐瘀化痰結。筆者於2015 2018 年開立清咽利隔湯明顯改善治療35 位鼻咽癌及頭頸癌病患放化療後所導致的副作用。清咽利隔湯改善耳鳴,重聽,耳漏,耳痛等不適症狀,降低感染風險,同時再也不需要使用洗鼻器,大福改善病人生活品質。
Ching-Huey Yang1,2*Yi-Chen Hung3
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Shu-Zen Junior college of Medicine and Management, Pingtung, Taiwan
3Department of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare malignancy worldwide, but it is endemic in a few areas including Southern China. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been suggested as a cause of undifferentiated NPC, environmental risk factors, and/or genetic susceptibility, may interact with EBV to play a role in the carcinogenesis of NPC. R/T is the primary treatment because of NPCs deep anatomic location. High incidence of lymphatic metastase and poor pathological differentiation. Temporal bone is unavoidably included in the radiation filed, so various otologic complications, such as otitis externa, otitis media with effusion, chronic otitis media, osteoradio necrosis of the temporal bone, and sensorineural hearing loss (HL) are common occurrences after radiotherapy for NPC. Post irradiation otitis media with effusion (OME) is the most common and its morbidity is as high as 9% to 26%. This refers to Chinese Medicine as “phlegmdampness
constitution”. In this case of NPC, Qing Yan Li Ge Tang is used to clear up the thick mucus in which phlegm expelled, purulent nasal discharge reduced. Dysguesia was noted after CCRT was improved greatly after sputum expelled and otalgia susbsided. Regular oral intake of QYLGT reduced tinnitus, dizziness, otorrhea, and infection; thus, patient’s quality of life is improved greatly and no longer need to use nasal wash.
KeywordsHead and Neck Tumor, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Radiotherapy, Qing Yang Li Ge Tang