
221.20 中藥治療高血壓病例報告一則
TJ TCM.22(1) : 203-212, 2019
Hypertension Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Report
江裕陽1* 陳瓚笎2 林書儀3
1 台北市立聯合醫院中興院區中醫科,台北,台灣
2 中國醫藥大學學士後中醫系,台中,台灣
3 臺北巿立聯合醫院教學研究部公共衛生資料中心,台北,台灣
52 歲高血壓男性患者,因服用降血壓西藥不舒服而停服西藥,改接受中藥治療。中醫以真武湯為基本方辨證論治,患者經過中藥約1 年的體質調整,除改善了患者頭暈、泄瀉、臉色偏紅及聲音沙啞等臨床症狀外,其高血壓亦有逐漸調降的趨勢。
Yu-Yang Chiang1* Tsan-Yuan Chen2 Shu-Yi Lin3
1Division of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhong-Xing Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2School of post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
3Department of Education and Research, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
A 52-year-old hypertensive male patient suffered from the side effect of antihypertensive drug. After stopping taking western medicine, the patient received Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to the principle of treatment determined by syndrome patterns, Zhen Wu Tang of Traditional Chinese Medicine was prescribed as the basic formula to adjust the constitution of the patient for about 1 year. In addition to improving his clinical symptoms such as dizziness, diarrhea, flushed face, and hoarseness, his hypertension also has been gradually reduced.
KeywordsHypertension, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhen Wu Tang