
211.16 中藥飲片配合貼敷青珠膏治療大水泡類天皰瘡病例報告
TJ TCM.21(1) : 203-214, 2018
Combing Therapy of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Indigo Pearl Ointment Solving Bullous Pemphigoid for Elder Patient with Dementia : A Case Report
陳柏谷1 陳亭安2 林榮志1,2*
1 中山醫學大學附設醫院中西整合醫療科,台中,台灣
2 中山醫學大學醫學院醫學系,台中,台灣
Po-Ku Chen1 Ting-An Chen1 Jung-Chih Lin1,2*
1Department of integrated Chinese medicine and medicine, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
2The School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
General description: The therapeutic effect of curingbullous pemphigoid with Chinese Herbal Medicine and indigo peal ointment is evident in this research. The evaluationestimated bythe number of blister after receiving treatment.
Objective: An 89-year-old male with vascular dementia suffered from bullous pemphigoid with blisters over his limbs, flank, and groin for five months.
Methods: Taking Chinese Medicine is to clear heat for cooling the blood and
draining dampness while applying indigo peal ointment on affected area.
Result: The number of blisters and wounds become smaller after receiving treatment tor four months; no bullous pemphigoid is recurring in the last six months after the treatment completed.
Commentary: Combined treatment of Chinese herbal medicine and indigo pearl ointment is an effective approach for bullous pemphigoid.
KeywordsChinese Herbal Medicine, herbal plaster, indigo peal ointment, pemphigoid