
211.7 帕金森氏症之中醫辨證論治的回顧性文獻探討
TJ TCM.21(1) : 71-84, 2018
Retrospective Study of Discussion on Syndrome Differentiation of Parkinson’sDisease in Traditional Chinese Medicine
黃靖鈞1 黃義騰1 林立偉1 吳龍源1*
1 義守大學學士後中醫學系,高雄,台灣
帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease,簡稱為PD),一種常見於老年人的運動障礙性神經退化疾病,以靜止性顫抖、肌肉僵直、動作遲緩及姿態不穩四大表現為特點。目前台灣的盛行率,大約每10 萬人中約有150 人,常發生於55 歲以上中老年人,65 歲以上人群患病率為1-4%,年紀越大盛行率越高。關於PD 的中醫病因病機、辨證論治以及治療新思維,尚未有系統的分析討論。因此,我們利用中國知識資源總庫及華藝線上圖書館,對PD 的現代病理研究、中醫病因病機和中醫治療方法,進行收集、整理及分析討論。本篇研究結果說明四點:一、Braak 假說可以說明PD 的病程,按現代醫學病理:胃腸道症狀—嗅覺障礙—情感障礙—運動障礙—精神症狀,對應中醫臟腑:脾—肺—肝氣—肝陰—腎,對於PD 的早期預防,由中醫藥的角度可以從健脾益肺著手。二、PD 的中醫病機本虛標實,以虛為主,即以肝、脾、腎三臟虧虛為本,以風、火、痰、瘀為標。三、方藥治療主要根據辨證論治、發生頻率高低以及相關臨床研究集中在補益肝腎、補氣養血、清熱化痰、活血化瘀四法。四、針灸治療以頭針法、體針法為主流、配合透針法或灸法的治療體系,對PD 的症狀有明確改善的效果。關於未來PD 的中醫研究,我們認為若能從大腦神經學出發,以現代病理生理學為基礎,搭配中醫的臟腑辨證,可以提出更新的中醫治療思維,期待在臨床上的中醫治療或中西醫結合都能達到更好的療效。
Ching-Chun Huang1 Yi-Teng Huang1 Li-Wei Lin1 Lung-Yuan Wu1*
1The school of Chinese Medicines for Post-Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common dyskinesia neurodegenerative disease in elderly people. Static trembling, muscle stiffness, slow movement and posture instability are the four performance characteristics. At present, the prevalence of PD is about 150 people per 100,000 people in Taiwan. It is mostly happened in the middle age group over 55 years old. The prevalence rate of PD over 65 years old is 1% to 4%. The elder the patients are, the higher risk of PD would be. About PD on the etiology and pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), syndrome differentiation and treatment of new thinking, there is no systematic analysis and discussion. Therefore, we use the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and the Airiti Library to collect the research about the PD of the modern pathology, TCM etiology and pathogenesis, TCM treatment methods for collation, analysis and discussion. The results of our study show four points. First, the Braak hypothesis can explain the course of PD, according to modern medical pathology: Gastrointestinal symptoms-olfactory disorder-affective disorder-dyskinesia-psychiatric symptoms. These symptoms could be corresponding to TCM organs: spleen-lung-liver qi-liver yin-kidney. For the early prevention of PD, the perspective of TCM can start from the spleen and lungs. Second, According to the etiology and pathogenesis of TCM, PD is characterized by deficiency in the root and excess in the branch. Deficiency was referred to liver, spleen and kidney. Excess was referred as wind, fire, phlegm and stasis. Third, TCM prescription for treating PD could be mainly based on the frequency of syndrome differentiation and focused on invigorating the liver and kidney, benefiting qi and nourishing blood, clearing away heat and dispersing phlegm, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Fourth, scalp acupuncture and body acupuncture are
the main stream. The symptoms of PD have a clear improvement after pointthrough-point acupuncture or moxibustion treatment. In the future, we believe that the TCM research of PD should start from the brain neurology, modern pathophysiology as the basis, with TCM differentiation of zang and fu. Then the new idea of TCM treatment should be updated. We look forward to the clinical treatment of TCM or integrative medicine can achieve better efficacy.
KeywordsParkinson’s disease, TCM Syndrome Differentiation, TCM treatment