
202.19 心主神明應用於消化道疾患之治療
The Theory of “Heart Controls Mental and Emotional Activities” in Treating Digestive Disorders Applying
吳政穎1 陳端儀1 洪培修1 方建喨1,2*
1 戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院中醫部,嘉義,台灣
2 國立中正大學心理學研究所,嘉義,台灣
59 歲女性,自述有睡眠障礙十餘年,曾至西醫診所與本院精神科長期服用抗焦慮藥物。近一年來隨著搬家環境改變與親人過世,致使情緒緊繃、睡眠障礙等症狀加重,並出現嚴重耳鳴與目脹,且開始每天好發噯氣而影響日常生活。噯氣偶有食物味道,伴有咽阻感。頻率陣發一日數次,好發在緊張時,且過程中症狀發作持續不斷,注意力轉移時噯氣症狀減。今年年中起接受中醫介入後耳鳴、目脹症狀發作頻率減、眠差改善,但仍持續胃脘脹與緊張時噯氣不斷。原以柴胡疏肝湯等方加減治療,改善效果不佳;後改以甘麥大棗湯加減治療,病人自述有獲得明顯改善。
Cheng-Ying Wu1 Duan-Yi Chen1 Pei-Hsiu Hung1 Chien-Liang Fang1,2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-yi Christian
Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan
2Institute of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
A 59 years old female, whom suffered from sleeping disorders more than 10 years, and had been seeing doctors in western medicine clinics and Psychiatric of ChiaYi Christian Hospital for long term anti-anxiety medications. During the past year, the patient experienced environmental changing by moving and death of relative which exacerbated the symptoms of emotional tension and sleeping disorder. Moreover, started having seriously tinnitus and eye bilges, also companied with severity belching and affected daily life. It companied food taste while the belching happened, and abnormal sensation of throat. The frequency was several times a day, and occurred often when feeling tense. The symptoms of belching continued, and only reduced when attention diversion. Since taking Chinese medicine treatment from the mid of 2016, the patient indicated the frequencies of tinnitus and eye bilges reduced, and sleeping disorder was improved. Yet, the epigastric distention and belching still continued while under stresses. At the beginning of this treatment, mending with ChaiHuShuGan decoction but the improvement was not well; then treated with GanMaiDaZao decoction, that the patient showed significant improvement.
Keywords Belching, Functional Dyspepsia, Emotional, Autonomic Nerves System