
202.15 中醫治療第II 型糖尿病臨床案例


中醫治療第II 型糖尿病臨床案例
Clinical Cases of Treating Type II Diabetes Mellitus with Traditional Chinese Medicine
1 童綜合醫療社團法人童綜合醫院,沙鹿院區中醫科,台中,台灣
近年來,第II 型糖尿病(Type II Diabetes Mellitus) 的盛行率逐年攀升,中醫能不能治糖尿病、中藥能不能降血糖幾乎是每一位臨床中醫師都會面臨的問題。根據筆者的臨床經驗,其實只要善用科學中藥,就可以達到降血糖的效果。要達到療效,必須要注意以下幾點:1. 中醫的糖尿病病程理論重構、2. 辯證和選方、3. 強調重點藥物和劑量、4. 治療期間方藥的調整。本文應用臨床實際之案例呈現,先就第1 和第二2 點討論之。
第II 型糖尿病、中醫、辨證
Kin-Hoong Chan1*
1Tungs’ Taichung Metroharbor Hospital, Shalu Campus, Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan.
In recent years, the prevalence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus has gradually increased. Can Chinese medicine control Diabetes? Can Chinese herbs reduce blood sugar? These problems will be encountered by every Chinese medicine practitioners. According to the author’s clinical experiences, in fact, we can use of Concentrated Chinese Herbal Extract Powders( 科學中藥粉), to achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar. For the purpose, we must pay attention to the following points:1. Reconstruction the theories of Diabetes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2. Syndrome differentiation and prescription, 3. Emphasis on the main drugs and doses, 4. Prescription adjustment during treatment course. In this article, we will discuss the 1 and 2 points first, by using with clinical cases.
Keywords: Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Syndrome differentiation