
202.11 針刺治療創傷性肩關節炎病例報告
Treatment of Traumatic Shoulder Arthritis by Acupuncture: A Case Report
黃義鈞1,2,4 范振虢1,2 張哲銘1,2 林榮志1,3,4*
1 中山醫學大學附設醫院中西整合醫療科,台中,台灣
2 中國醫藥大學中醫學系,台中,台灣
3 中山醫學大學醫學系,台中,台灣
4 中華針灸醫學會,台中,台灣
創傷造成的肩關節周圍炎及其引發的後續肩關節痛是種常見的問題,西醫處置主要是固定/ 手術治療以及後續復健,然而仍常見有患者改善幅度有限。而傳統中醫針對治療肩關節有好的療效,提供患者更多的選擇。本文討論了兩種不同創傷:近端肱骨閉鎖性骨折及肩部肌肉撕裂傷造成的肩關節痛,採用了局部取穴如臑會TE13、肩TE14、臂臑LI14、肩LI15、巨骨LI16 等及遠端取穴如支溝TE6、曲池LI11、尺澤LU5 等穴位進行針刺治療,5 至7 個月療程後患者的主觀疼痛感大幅減輕,且客觀活動幅度、旋轉角度亦增加,對於中醫針灸治療創傷性關節炎之療效,提供一份臨床實證的有效案例。
Yi-Chun Huang1,2,4 Chen-Kuo Fan1,2 Che-Ming Chang1,2 Jung-Chih Lin1,3,4*
1Department of Integrated Chinese Medicine and Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
3Department of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
4Chinese Medical Association of Acupuncture, Taichung, Taiwan
It is a common problem for subsequent shoulder joint pain due to traumatic shoulder joint arthritis. This article discusses two cases of partial shoulder pain and movement range restriction caused by shoulder joint arthritis due to proximal humeral fracture and shoulder muscle laceration. After differential diagnosed with meridian theory, several acupuncture points (TE11, TE14, LI14, LI15, LI16 and TE6, LI11, LU5) were selected to treat these two patients. After acupuncture treatment for 5 to 7 months, there are obvious improvements not only subjective pain scale but also objective movement range. It is an effective case report for clinical evidence.
Keywords:Acupuncture, Shoulder joint arthritis, Shoulder pain