
105.9 中醫對孕婦子癇前症治療之臨床心得


Clinical experience of traditional Chinese
medicine in the treatment of preeclampsia
陳玉娟 沈俐伶*
本癇( 癲) 前症於台灣地區的發生率約為2~8%,是造成孕產婦死亡的三大原因之一。
在妊娠11 周左右的初唐檢測( 抽血加透明帶檢查) 時,很多孕婦會加做子癇前症早期風
險評估,胎盤生長因子(PlGF)、懷孕相關血漿蛋白A(PAPP-A) 篩檢,搭配子宮動脈血流
娠13 周突然大出血的34 歲孕婦,經辨證施治後,於36 周產下一子。相較於西方主流醫
Yu- Chuan Chen Li-Ling Shen*
NUWA TCM Center, Taipei
The incidence of preeclampsia in Taiwan is about 2-8%, and it is one of the three major
causes of maternal death. During the early pregnancy test around 11 weeks of pregnancy, many pregnant women will undergo early preeclampsia risk assessment, placental growth factor (PlGF), and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) screening. The examination is combined with the uterine artery blood flow resistance to evaluate the function of the placenta. Once a high risk of preeclampsia is found, the obstetrician and gynecologist will give aspirin to reduce the blood flow resistance, which can be imagined as a drug promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine.
These phenomena have been observed in ancient Chinese medicine books. While the fetal is not solid can be categorized as antepartum hemorrhage, placental abruption and placenta praevia.
The reasons may be maternal qi and blood insufficient, congenital insufficient of kidney qi, blood stasis, blood heat, infection, trauma, and surgery, etc. Modern medicine has added the artificial factor of test tube implantation, which must be treated according to the cause of the disease.
This article cites a case of a 34-year-old pregnant woman suffered sudden heavy bleeding at 13 weeks of pregnancy. After syndrome differentiation and treatment in NUWA TCM clinic, she gave birth to a son at 36 weeks. Compared with the treatment of mainstream Western medicine, he treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively diverse and flexible. In addition to ourishing the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the blood, we can also use ethods such as soothing the liver, clearing away heat, activating blood circulation and removing lood stasis, and lifting to stop bleeding.
【Keywords】 preeclampsia, placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), uterine artery blood flow resistance, traditional Chinese medicine, antepartum hemorrhage, placental abruption, placenta praevia,