
252.8 非哺乳期乳腺炎之中醫病例報告

 TJ TCM.25(2) :101-110, 2022

Non-Lactational Mastitis Treated with
Traditional Chinese Medicine-A Case Report
鍾靜君1 陳婉伶1*
1 台中榮民總醫院,台中,台灣
乳腺炎和乳房膿瘍都是良性乳房疾病,而其中大部分乳腺炎常見於哺乳期婦女,非哺乳期乳線炎較少見,容易被忽略,也可能發生在男性身上,若延遲治療或處置不當會造成嚴重化膿感染。此疾病不易癒合,癒後易復發,且面對乳房外觀的改變,常帶給患者心理的衝擊。本病例報告以中藥治療一名34 歲婦女,左乳房多處紅腫脹痛或膿腫,經乳房外科藥物治療與抽吸膿液,仍反覆乳腺炎發作。採用中藥治療以清熱解毒、消腫散結,服用7 週後,患處周圍紅腫改善,乳房傷口漸漸癒合,無新發病灶。且持續追蹤7 個月復原良好無復發,提供非哺乳期乳腺炎的治療選擇。
Ching-Chun Chung1Wan-Ling Chen1*
1Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Both mastitis and breast abscess are benign breast diseases, and most of them are common in breastfeeding women. Non-lactating mastitis is rare and easily ignored. It may also be occured in men. If treatment is delayed or improperly controlled, it could cause severe infection. Non-lactating mastitis is not easy to heal, and it is easy to recur. Patients suffering from this disease usually feel depresion. In this case, a 34-year-old woman with multiple left breast mastitis with abscess formation was treated with traditional chinese medicine. She came to the Breast Tumor Surgery department for treatment with drugs and abscess suction. But the patient had not been cured and was recurrent. She was treated with traditional medicine for seven weeks. Under this treatment of clearing heat and resolving toxins and eliminating the mass and relieving swelling, the wounds around the breast heal gradually. And the patient has not been recurrent for at least seven months. The author hopes that this treatment experience could serve as a reference for taking care of similar cases.
【Keywords】non-lactational mastitis; liver stagnation and stomach heat; traditional
medicine; case report