
25S.1 新型冠狀病毒肺炎重症會診病例報告兩則
TJ TCM.25(S) : 1-12, 2022
Traditional Chinese Medicine Consultation
of Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019: Two Case Reports
張馨予1 謝瓊慧1 黃建榮1 陳煒達1*
1 台北市立聯合醫院中興院區,台北,台灣
新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)自2019 年12 月至今在全球引起大流行,台灣至2021 年12 月止亦確診達1 萬6 千多人,因5 月份起的一波疫情流行導致死亡人數突破8 百例。本文報告疫情流行當時於本院收治住院的兩個重症病例,兩例於住院期間除接受瑞德西韋(Remdesivir)療程外,亦同時要求中醫會診。透過中醫的診察,判斷兩例證型皆屬濕熱蘊肺、邪伏膜原之證,採宣肺清熱利濕、透達膜原方法治療後,兩例皆在服用中藥7 日內病情穩定且PCR 採檢陰性或Ct 值30,符合解除隔離條件,而於第8 日出院返家。兩例皆療效顯著,故撰本文予以探討。
Hsin-Yu Chang1 Chiung-Hui Hsieh1 Chien-Jung Huang1 Wei-Da Chen1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Zhong-Xing Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a pandemic since December 2019, and more than 16,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan as of December 2021. A wave of outbreaks in May caused more than 800 deaths. In this report, we present two severe COVID-19 inpatients in our hospital during the epidemic who not only underwent Remdesivir treatment during the hospitalization, but also receiving Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) consultation. Through the diagnosis of TCM, the two cases are both categorized into the syndromes of damp-heat accumulating in the lungs and pathogen hiding in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace. After treatment with dispersing lung, eliminating damp-heat and removing pathogens in pleurodiaphragmatic interspace therapy, both cases came stable within 7 days of taking TCM and had a negative PCR test or a Ct value 30. They were both eligible for release from quarantine and discharged on the 8th day after taking TCM. Here we provide these two successful experiences to suggest that dispersing lung, eliminating damp-heat and eliminating pathogens in pleurodiaphragmatic interspace therapy may be effective and applicable for COVID-19 treatment.
【Keywords】SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus Disease 2019; damp-heat accumulating in
the lungs; dispersing lung; eliminating damp-heat