
233.9 從晉代到近代:中草藥外敷燒燙傷效果及不良反應之系統性文獻回顧
TJ TCM.23(3) : 111-128,2020
Effectiveness and Safety of Burn Wound Dressings in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A
Systematic Review 
古佳穎1 王雨薇2 林佳葦2 陳瑋羚1 葉兼碩2*
1 台南市立安南醫院中醫部,委託中國醫藥大學興建經營,台南,台灣
2 衛生福利部桃園醫院中醫科,桃園,台灣
本文為一系統性文獻回顧。目的是回答中草藥用於外敷燒燙傷效果如何?有無不良反應?首先整理出從晉代(266 A.C~420 A.C)至清代(1636A.C~1912 A.C)中醫外敷燒燙傷傷口的用藥,以作為臨床選擇外敷藥材的參考。其次,本文蒐集隨機分組對照實驗,以臺灣中藥典中有收錄的中草藥外敷為介入方式(Intervention)。我們納入了12 篇中文及英文文獻,結果顯示,治療組比起控制組,傷口完全癒合時間較快、同時間內平均傷口面積較小,且未發生嚴重感染事件及不良反應。從現有的證據來看,中草藥可作為二度燒燙傷傷口安全的外敷用藥。但此結論需更多品質良好的文獻作為佐證。
Chia-Ying Ku1Yu-Wei Wang2Chia-Wei Lin2Wei-Ling Chen1Chien-Shuo Yeh2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Tainan Municipal An-Nan Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Taoyuan General Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Hou Shang" in traditional Chinese medicine. Various burn treatments, mainly dressings, could be found in literature throughout the course of traditional Chinese medicine. With effects of heat clearing, necrotic tissues eliminating, and granulation and re-epithelialization promoting, the burn wound dressings can reduce infections, relive pain and promote wound healing.
The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of burn wound dressings in traditional Chinese medicine.We collected and organized the burn wound dressings recorded in the traditional Chinese medical literature between Tang Dynasty (266 A.C~420 A.C) and Qing Dynasty (1636 A.C~1912 A.C) for historical review and for further reference.Randomized control trials on burn patients with Chinese medicine dressings recorded in Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia as experimental groups, and healing time and effect as outcome measures were selected.
Twelve literatures in Chinese and English were included in our study.The results showed that in treatment group, the time required for wound healing time wassignificantlyshorter in the treatment group and the average wound area was significantly smaller. There were no severe infections or adverse effectsreported in both groups. From presented studies, the burn wound dressings made of traditional Chinese medicine is safe for burn wound. However, further studiesare needed to confirm the effectiveness of the burn wound dressings.
【Keywords】Traditional Chinese medicine; Dressing; Burns; Systematic Review