
TJ TCM.23(1) : 33-44, 2020 33
The Study of Development Model of Traditional Chinese Medicine Include in Drug Addiction Treatment
黃志男1 許文郁2 陳運泰1 羅綸謙3 陳瑜亮1 柯詔瀚1 李聰界1*
1 彰化基督教財團法人彰化基督教醫院中醫部,彰化,台灣
2 財團法人彰化基督教醫院精神科,彰化,台灣
3 中國醫藥大學中醫學系,台中,台灣
研究方法:文獻探討中醫戒毒方案以針灸、耳針為主,由於毒癮患者具有潛在愛滋感染的風險,對執行的醫療人員具風險性,故擬定以非侵入性的「經皮穴位電刺激」戒癮治療模式結合傳統美沙冬療法,從研究中觀察穴位電貼治療的療效,與單純對照組僅執行美沙冬療法的差異性。本研究為非隨機的病例對照研究(nonrandom sampling, case control study),透過研究設計、資料分析與統計,比較中醫介入與常規治療模式差異,並提出臨床實務建議。
Chih-Nan Huang1 Wen-Yu Hsu2 Yun-Tai Chen1 Lun-Chien Lo3
Yu-Liang Chen1 Chao-Han Ke1 Tsung-Chieh Lee1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
2Psychiatric department, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
3School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Background: Drug addiction is a chronic medical illness and an important public health problem worldwide. The population of drug abuse had reached about 200,000 in Taiwan, and the age distribution is mainly in young adults. The most widely used substance is heroin in our ry. Methadone substitution therapy has been the treatment of first choice for opiate dependence, but patient on Methadone substitution therapy report a wide side effects, and relapse rate is up to two third of methadone treatment patients between one to two years. Therefore, adjuvant therapeutic interventions for drug addiction patients are needed. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the most common used therapy of complementary and alternative medicine. Acupuncture in treating drug addiction is widely accepted in western society and has evidence base. Taiwan has complete TCM system but lack of TCM in treating drug addiction. We need to establish a model for TCM as an alternative therapy included in addiction treatment and provide a better care system for drug addiction.
Methods: The literature discusses that Chinese medicine drug rehabilitation programs mainly focus on acupuncture, auricular acupuncture or auricular acupoints, but they are risky for medical personnel performing. We plan to establish Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) drug addiction model, compare the differences between TEAS and conventional treatment models through research design, data analysis and statistics, and propose clinical practical recommendations.
Result: This study found that TEAS model can improve the quality of life of patients and drug awareness, slow down the symptoms of depression after the use of Methadone, and change the perception and mentality of drugs after treatment. These items were statistically significant (P<0.05).
Keywordsdrug addiction treatment, methadone, traditional medicine,transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation