
95.9 中醫針傷科病例一媽媽手
Cases of Acupuncture and Injury in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Report
李岡樺 吳建隆*
狹窄性腱鞘炎發生在橈骨莖突部,稱為橈骨莖突狹窄性腱鞘炎,又稱為De Quervains Tenovaginitis Stenosans,俗稱媽媽手。因為外展拇長肌和伸拇短肌的肌腱和鞘膜之間過度摩擦,使纖維性鞘膜異常加厚,造成肌腱隧道阻塞或狹窄,從中醫角度看是筋傷結果導致瘀血氣滯、經氣不通而痛。多發生於家庭婦女、包裝工人或長期使用手部動作的人。利用中醫針灸可有很好的療效。
本病例為59 歲陳女士,選用合谷、肩井、後谿、養老、曲池、陽谿、足三里等穴位,治療後疼痛明顯改善,活動較靈活,針刺配合行手法處理,獲得明顯的療效。
Gang Hua LiJian Long Wu*
Taipei City Hospital, KunMing Branch
A 59 year-old female patient suffered from right wrist radial pain implicated thumb, activity unfavorable lasting three months, because the pain she came to Taipei City Chinese Medicine Outpatient Center for visit, diagnosed as radial stem stenosis tendon synovitis (stenosing tenosynovitis). Under acupuncture therapy by benefit the temperature sutra, and he ying tong bi to treat, the effect of relaxing the muscle to restore health was finally achieved.
Keywords stenosing tenosynovitis, acupuncture