
253.3 從中西醫觀點看女性器官生理學

  TJ TCM.25(3) : 1-12, 2022

The Viewpoints on Physiology of Female Sex
Organs from the Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine
吳思儀1 王人澍1*
1 台中慈濟醫院中醫部,台中,台灣
女性具有獨特的生殖生理現象:經、帶、胎、產。藉由西方醫學對「下視丘– 腦下垂體– 卵巢軸」的解析,可協助對中醫生理生殖軸:腎– 天癸–衝任– 胞宮軸,有更多的理解與發展。腎氣充盛則使天癸逐漸發展成熟,兩者功能類似於下視丘、腦下垂體及其所分泌的微量物質。衝任二脈匯集氣血陰精並輸送至胞宮。腎氣與天癸雖源自於先天,但需後天脾胃產生的水穀精微物質不斷的補充,再加上肝、心、肺、腎四臟的功能協調,生理生殖軸便具有週期性的消長現象,最終使卵子成熟排出,並在精卵結合後,能順利在胞宮血海中成長。
Sih-Yi Wu1Jen-Shu Wang1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan
Women have unique reproductive physiological functions: Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, pregnancy, and childbirth. The analysis of “hypothalamus-pituitaryovarian axis” can help us manage the reproductive axis: kidney-tiangui-chong ren-cytoplasmic axis, with more understanding and development. Enrichment of kidney qi makes Tiangui gradually mature, and the functions of the two are similar to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the trace substances secreted by them. The Chong and Ren two channels (thoroughfare and conception vessels) gather qi, blood, yin, and essence and transport them to the uterus. Although kidney qi and Tiangui are derived from innate, they need to be continuously supplemented by the water and grains produced by the acquired spleen and stomach. Coupled with the coordination of the functions of the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys, the reproductive physiological axis has periodic fluctuations. Finally, it makes the ovum mature and be ovulated. After the combination of the sperm and ovum, the fertilized ovum can grow smoothly in the blood sea of the uterus.
【Keywords】Reproductive Axis; Tiangui; Thoroughfare and Conception Vessels; Viscera