
25S.9 小陷胸湯合抵當湯治療COVID-19驗案二則
TJ TCM.25(S) : 65-70, 2022
小陷胸湯合抵當湯治療COVID-19 驗案二則
Treating COVID-19 with Xiao Xianxiong Decoction and Didang Decoction:
Two Case Reports
莊志瑜1 張俊瑛1 鄭宏足2*
1 恩慈經典中醫診所,新竹,台灣
2 傳愛經典中醫診所,台北,台灣
茲介紹COVID-19 確診者「中度肺炎」階段驗案二則。症見咳嗽,或有黃綠濃痰夾血絲,或有微喘、發熱;經中醫視訊看診,辨為太陽病誤下之結胸證,又恐瘀血阻絡,故與小陷胸湯合抵當湯治之。療效明確,諸症皆癒。
Chih-Yu Chuang1Chun-Ying Chang1Hung-Tsu Cheng2*
1Kind Classics Chinese Medicine Clinic, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2Chuan Ai, Jing-Dian TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
These are two cases of COVID-19 confirmed patients in the moderate pneumonia stage. The symptoms are cough, yellow-green thick sputum with a little bloodshot, or slight wheezing and fever. Through video consultation, they were diagnosed by TCM as the Blocked-up Chest (Jiexiong) syndrome caused by mistreatment of giving a purgative to dispel the Initial Yang (Taiyang) syndrome. And, to avoid blood stasis and block the meridians, we combined Xiao Xianxiong Decoction and Didang Decoction for treatment. The curative effect is clear, and all symptoms are cured.
【Keywords】Xiao Xianxiong Decoction; Didang Decoction; Shang Han Za Bing Lun; Traditional Chinese Medicine; COVID-19