
25S.8 COVID-19重症中醫診治驗案乙例

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 59-64, 2022

COVID-19 重症中醫診治驗案乙例
Case Report of Healing COVID-19 Serious illness with TCM
1 德昌中醫診所,台北,台灣
該確診患者確診新冠肺炎,為宜蘭首例且Ct 值最低(13),症見胸悶痛、咳嗽時有血絲、味覺異常、喉嚨痛、發熱等;經中醫視訊看診,診斷為濕熱證,住院期間合併中藥治療後痊癒。
Chih-Cheng Yen1*
1De-Chang Chinese Medical Clinic, Taipei,Taiwan
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV. COVID-19 started to outbreak in Taiwan since May 2021. On May 20, 2021, a 43year-old man was diagnosed COVID-19 with Ct value 13 at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital in Yilan and was hospitalized immidiately. The patient had symptoms as fatigue、dizziness、fever、dysgeusia、sudden hearing loss and dry cough with acute pneumonia. He was the first case with lowest Ct value in Yilan 2021. The patient accepted the treatment with Remdesivir、antibiotics、 steroid from 5/22 in hospital. In 5/25 he started telemedicine with me by LINE and had TCM therapy from 5/26. The symptoms was decreased with Chinese herbal decoction and pneumonia was obviously improved in X ray in 5/31. With continuous TCM treatment the patient was discharged from hospital by Ct value up to 30. He also had PCR test (-) in 6/25 finally. We belief TCM can help a lot in treatment with COVID-19.
【Keywords】TCM treatment; COVID-19; damp-heat syndrome; first case with lowest
Ct value in Yilan 2021