
25S.4 新冠肺炎病毒造成持續性的全身倦怠之驗案一則

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 27-32, 2022

Case Report: Persistent Fatigue Following COVID-19 Infection
張育佳1* 黃建榮2 陳曉鈞1
1 悅展中醫診所,台北,台灣
2 台北市中醫師公會,台北,台灣
新冠肺炎染疫後造成持續性的全身倦怠,此情形導致生活品質大幅下降,甚至伴隨情緒及認知功能障礙,值得關注。持續性的全身倦怠有多種可能的病理機轉,需詳加鑑別診斷,此病例尤重探討COVID-19 造成肺燥脾濕的病理環境,透過中醫藥治療能夠有效恢復精神體力。
Yuh-Chia Chang1* Chien-Jung Huang2 Hsiao-Chun Chen1
1Yueh-Tsan TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
2Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan
Persistent fatigue is a symptom that cannot be ignored after COVID-19 infection, it may affect the quality of life, even accompanied with mood disorders or impaired cognition. There are several mechanisms that could lead to persistent fatigue, which need to be further differentiated. We also postulate the pathophysiology of COVID-19 disease, that is, dryness damaging the lung and spleen deficiency with dampness encumbrance. Through the efforts of traditional Chinese medicine, the patients may show better outcomes.
【Keywords】TCM; COVID-19; Persistent fatigue; dryness