
231.9 從實證醫學角度探討胃癌術後中醫治療之療效
TJ TCM.23(1) : 107-118, 2020
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202003_23(1).0009
An Overview of Chinese Medicine Treatment after Gastrectomy Based on Evidience-Based Medicine
楊淑婷1 廖唯宇1,2 張晉賢1,2,3*
1 財團法人恩主公醫院中醫部,新北,台灣
2 長庚科技大學化妝品應用系,桃園,台灣
3 中國醫藥大學中醫學系,台中,台灣
胃切除手術可能導致術後併發症,儘管目前併發症的發生率相當低。而過去數據顯示,大約四分之一的患者在胃手術後出現明顯症狀,其中有2%5% 的機會,將導致失能。胃癌手術後改變胃腸道的結構和生理功能,術後不適增加住院天數,相對消耗更多醫療成本。本文將針對胃癌術後患者接受中醫介入治療,從實證研究分析,包括中藥、針灸、以及病患接受度更高的非侵入性的外治療法和經皮電刺激穴位的研究,藉由改善胃腸蠕動、促進胃排空,和降低術後疼痛,達成促進術後復原的目標,對於胃癌患者提供新的治療選擇,以期待中醫介入未來也能廣泛應用於其他腹部外科手術。
Shu-Ting Yang1Wei-Yu Liao1,2Chin-Hsien Chang1,2,3*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, En Chu Kong Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2Department of Cosmetic Science, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
3School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Raiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
Although complications are considerably less common today, historical data would suggest that approximately one in four patients reports significant symptoms after gastric surgery; in 2 to 5 percent, these symptoms are disabling.Gastrointestinal surgery alters the structure and physiological function of the gastrointestinal system, probably affects patient recovery, prolongs hospital stay,and increases cost. Therefore the purpose of this review is to search various ways, including Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and non-invasive treatment of transcutaneous electro acupuncture and external treatment for patient after gastrectomy treatment and enhancing the recovery rate through the survey of Chinese Medicine literature. So it will probably provide patient and doctor with different Complementary and Alternative Medicine to accelerate bowel function recovery and reduce hospital stay, which satisfies the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery. Besides, Chinese Medicine could be considered to be applied on other abdominal surgeries as well.
Keywordsgastric cancer, gastrectomy, ileus , Chinese medicine, acupuncture