
TJ TCM.23(1) : 1-18, 2020 1
Correlation between Traditional Chinese Diagnostic Patterns Identification and Personal Demographics in Outpatient of Insomnia
陳秀美1 王智龍2 翁培元3 李明儀3 康世肇4 曹玄明5 呂萬安6*
1 佛光大學生命與宗教學系碩士班生命學組,宜蘭,台灣
2 國立陽明大學附設醫院中醫科,宜蘭,台灣
3 國立陽明大學附設醫院精神科,宜蘭,台灣
4 國立陽明大學附設醫院家醫科,宜蘭,台灣
5 國立陽明大學暨國立陽明大學附設醫院心臟內科,宜蘭,台灣
6 佛光大學文化資產與創意學系所,宜蘭,台灣
目的:全台1/10 人口受慢性失眠症所苦,輪班工作者的慢性失眠為白天班的2.18 倍,失眠是中醫門診常見的主訴,許多疾病常伴隨著失眠的出現,加上失眠的成因與種類複雜,容易造成臨床辨證上的困難,本研究目的為失眠症進行中醫辨證分型評量,分析是否與個案之人口學資料、疾病狀況、家族病史、疾病治療等有所關聯。
結果:180 位失眠症個案,女性118 人,男性62 人,年齡22-80 歲,平均年齡51.6±13.4 歲,中醫辨證分型以陰虛火旺型70 人(38.9%)最多,依序為肝鬱化火型60 人(33.3%)、痰熱內擾型26 人(14.4%)、心膽氣虛型10人(5.6%)、心脾兩虛型8 人(4.4%)、其他證型6 人(3.3%)。個案之性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、BMI、腰圍、教育程度、職業、輪班、抽煙、喝酒、病程、接受西醫治療、是否曾接受或合併其他療法等與中醫辨證分型均無顯著相關,但家族史與中醫辨證分型之間則具有顯著相關(P<0.05)。
Hsiu-Mei Chen1 Zhi-Long Wang2 Pei-Yuan Weng3 Ming-Yih Lee3
Shih-Checo Kang4 Xuan-Ming Cao5 Wan-An Lu6*
1Life Study Group for Graduate Institute of Life and Religions Studies, Fo Guang
University,Yilan, Taiwan
2Division of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Yang Ming University Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan
3Division of Psychiatry, National Yang Ming University Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan
4Division of Family Medicine, National Yang-Ming University Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan
5Division of Cardiology, National Yang Ming University Hospital and National Yang
MingUniversity, Yilan, Taiwan
6Department of Cultural Assets and Reinvention, Fo Guang University, Yilan, Taiwan
Purpose: The 1/10 population of the whole station suffers from chronic insomnia in Taiwan. The chronic insomnia of shift workers is 2.18 times that of the day shift. Insomnia is a common complaint in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)clinics. Many diseases are often accompanied by the occurrence of insomnia, plus complex of the causes and types of insomnia, so easy to cause clinical difficult in syndrome differentiation. The purpose of this study was investigated the
correlation among the demographic data, disease status, family history, treatment and the classification of TCM syndromes for insomnia assessment.
Methods: This study used the cross-sectional questionnaire survey with the convenience sampling method. Screened patients according to the diagnostic criteria for insomnia and conducted a survey from the psychiatric outpatient department of regional teaching hospital in Yilan y.
Results: There were 180 cases of insomnia, 118 females and 62 males, aged 22-80 years old, with an average age of 51.6±13.4 years old. TCM syndrome differentiation was performed by 70 cases (38.9%) with the most type of Yinxuhuowang, and followed in descending order were 60 cases (33.3%) of Ganyuhuahuo type, 26 cases (14.4%) of Tanreneirao type, 10 cases (5.6%) of Xindanqixuxing type, 8 cases (4.4%) of Xinbiliangxu type, and 6 cases (3.3%) of Other type. The gender, age, marital status, BMI, waist circumference, education level, occupation, shift, smoking, drinking, duration of illness, treatment with Western medicine, whether or not received or combined with other treatments were not significantly related to TCM syndrome differentiation. There is a significant correlation with p< .05 between family history and TCM syndrome differentiation.
Conclusion: There was significant correlation between the classification of TCM and family history in insomnia. In other words, TCM syndrome differentiation might be related to hereditary constitution. This indicated that the classification of TCM was evidence on actuality. This study will provide health care workers and people on insomnia, and as a modern reference in integrative medicine.
Keywordsinsomnia, traditional Chinese diagnostic patterns identification, primary insomnia, secondary insomnia