
221.4 中醫藥物歸經理論發展與現代研究
TJ TCM.22(1) : 33-44, 2019
The Development and Modern Research of Channel Tropism Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine
林蓓華1 許棠閔2* 吳龍源2,3*
1 中國醫藥大學學士後中醫學系,台中,台灣
2 義守大學學士後中醫學系,高雄,台灣
3 吳龍源中醫診所,台北,台灣
方法:本研究收集中國醫學期刊網與PubMed 近十年內關於藥物歸經理論發展與現代研究相關文獻進行歸納整合。
Pui-Wah Lynn1 Tang-Min Hsu2* Lung-Yuan Wu2,3*
1The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
2The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3WU LUNG-YUAN Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
Objective: Channel tropism which is an important component of the property of Chinese Medicine is considered the selective therapeutic effects of a single medication on specific zang-fu organs. This article is mainly discussed about the origin, evolution, application, modern research, and future development of channel tropism theory.
Method: This study was collected the literatures related the ten-year database of channel tropism development and modern research in the Chinese Medical Journal Network and PubMed.
Results: According to the literatures of channel tropism, most academics approve channel tropism originated from the description of five flavors, five phases and zang-fu organs in Huangdi Neijing and the statement of the property of Chinese Medicine in Shennongs Classic of Materia Medica. Zhang Zhongjing in Eastern Han Dynasty created syndrome differentiation of six meridians and syndrome differentiation of zang-fu which had far-reaching influence on the formation of channel tropism. Sun Simiao systematically integrated the syndrome differentiation of zang-fu and treatments, revealing the model and concept of channel tropism in Tan Dynasty. In Jin Dynasty, Zhang Yuansu officially used channel tropism theory to describe the property of the medication in Chinese medicine. Wang Ang in Qing Dynasty fully developed the channel tropism theory and proposed channel tropism theory of Chinese medicinal formulae, enhancing the importance of channel tropism theory. Modern academics analyzed the active compound, trace element and proposed receptor theory to verify channel tropism theory.
Conclusion: Channel tropism theory, as a precision medicine in Chinese medicine, developing from accumulating clinical practices of ancient physicians, is not only the reference criteria for clinical application, but also precious culture of Traditional Chinese medicine. How to use modern technology to connect channel tropism theory to clinical Chinese medicinal formulae application providing more precision medicine of the Traditional Chinese medicine is the goal of Chinese medicine profession.
Keywordsthe origin of channel tropism, property of Chinese Medicine, precision medicine