
212.9 小兒腹瀉之中藥敷臍文獻探討
TJ TCM.21(2) : 93-102, 2018
Literature Review of Chinese Medicine Umbilical Paste in Pediatric Diarrhea
鄭竹晏1 楊紓怡1*
1 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人大林慈濟醫院中醫部,嘉義,台灣
腹瀉是全球兒童死因的第二名,每年造成約一百五十萬名兒童死亡。這當中,病毒性腹瀉是最主要的一群。全球兩歲以下兒童的嚴重腹瀉主因是輪狀病毒感染,好發於11 月到3 月之間。若腹瀉持續兩週以上則屬於慢性腹瀉。嚴重的腹瀉與嘔吐可能造成小兒脫水,會增加死亡的風險。
Chu-Yen Cheng1Shu-Yi Yang1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation,
Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Diarrheal disorders account for an estimated 1.5 million deaths worldwide
every year making it the second leading cause of childhood mortality. Amongst these, viral diarrheas form the most important cluster. Globally, rotaviruses are the most common cause of severe diarrhea in children younger than 2 years and infections occur most commonly from November through March. When diarrhea lasts longer than 2 weeks, it is considered to be chronic. Severe diarrhea and vomiting may cause dehydration, which is associated with a higher risk of mortality.
Umbilical paste therapy is a unique method to treat infant diarrhea in traditional Chinese medicines and widely applied in clinical practice. Currently,many researchers have proved the rationality of the therapy based on the traditional Chinese medicine mechanism and on the data from clinical practice.
Reviewing research on recent literature of pediatric diarrhea: the common patterns of rotavirus infection are wind-colddamp-heatspleen-vacuity, and the most common herbs used in umbilical paste treatment are pogostemon cablinrosa banksiaecoptis chinensissyzygium aromaticumcinnamomum cassiatetradium ruticarpum. The common patterns of chronic diarrhea is spleen-vacuity,and atractylodes macrocephalarhizoma zingiberiscodonopsis pilosulatetradium ruticarpumsyzygium aromaticumcinnamomum cassiarhizoma dioscoreae are used most often. Further research is needed to provide evidence of effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicine umbilical paste for children with diarrhea.
【Keywords】Pediatric Diarrhea, Chinese Medicine, Umbilical Paste