
202.9 以針刺搭配美式整脊治療腰源性膝痛之病例報告


Treatment of Waist-Induced Knee Pain with Acupuncture and American Chiropractic:
A Case Report
童鈺珽1 周漢金1 黃健財2*
1 衛生福利部桃園醫院中醫科,桃園市,台灣
2 正峰中醫診所,新北市,台灣
一位30 歲上班族女性,在無外傷及運動習慣下,蹲坐起身時雙膝內外側疼痛長達一年,來診時初步診斷為慢性膝部勞損,針刺後膝痛無明顯改善。依照中醫經筋理論及西醫神經解剖學並運用美式整脊(AMCT) 進一步分析檢查,發現膝痛之病因來自腰椎與骨盆錯位,經過腰椎骨盆矯正後並行針刺治療,雙膝疼痛大幅改善,療效穩定未復發,故提出供大家於診斷與治療上作為參考。
Yu-Ting Tung1 Han-Chin Chou1 Chien-Tsai Huang2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare,
Taoyuan, Taiwan
2Zheng-Feng Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinics, New Taipei City, Taiwan
A 30-year-old office lady, suffered from pain on the lateral and medial sides of both knees when standing up from a squat for one year, was initially diagnosed as chronic knee strain in the absence of trauma and exercise habits. No significant improvement was noted after acupuncture treatment. Further analysis with the theory of Meridian Sinews (Jingjin), neuroanatomy and the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) revealed that the knee pain was a result of subluxation of lumbar spine and pelvis. After chiropractic adjustment of the pelvis and lumbar spine as well as acupuncture therapy, the knee pain was largely relieved, and the efficacy was stable with no recurrence. We introduce the case report as a reference of diagnosis and treatment of knee pain.
Keywords: Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT), Knee pain caused by lumbar subluxation, Subluxation of lumbar spine, the Theory of Meridian Sinews (Jingjin)